Saturday, November 3, 2007

Reason #356 that I love my students:

I posted one of the pictures of me shooting a gun on my Cyworld page, and one of my boys who knows very very little English left a comment. Two words.

"Head shot."

I about died laughing.


Kate Murray said...
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Kate Murray said...

HA!!! That's absolutely amazing.

Brittany, I love you.
Not gay.

Carrie Henderson said...

brittany camp. i love you and miss you terribly. life just isn't the same without you. i love reading your blog and seeing your great pictures! the youtube octopus video was a little too much for me though :) i hope life's treating you well!

and now a random BC squared memory (sorry I haven't kept up with these):

C: (reading Mayor of Castorbridge) brittany, what does pandiculation mean?
B: Of or relating to family.
C: Oh, okay.
B: (twenty minutes later) Carrie, that's not what pandiculation means.
C: Yeah, I didn't think it made sense.