Sunday, March 30, 2008

Couch to 5k: Week 3, Day 3 and 55 POUNDS!

I'm not writing this entry right after I finished the run, as I'd intended, but two days later. But I'm writing it, which is what's most important, I suppose.

My last week 3 run was also uneventful, which is good. I came home late from work, and had plans to meet friends for dinner and the like, so I had to rush, but I never felt tempted to put it off until Saturday, and I didn't dare try to tell myself I'd do it later, because it was cold as hell at 5:45pm and I knew it would only be worse after dinner. I had only exactly 30 minutes, so I just did the program once through normally. I'd intended to add an extra interval or two on the end, like I did on Wednesday, to make sure I was ready for 5 minutes during week 4, but I didn't have time, so I applauded myself for making time for my workout and rushed in to take a quick shower. It wasn't too hard, but it also wasn't too easy, which I guess is the idea.

My sweet tooth got the best of me after dinner on Friday night, so I ate a little more sugar than I felt good about... especially since the night before (Thurs) was cake for my host father's birthday. But I woke up early on Saturday morning, around 7:30, with the brilliant idea to head to the gym and get a nice run on the treadmill in before leaving for the weekend. T's birthday was the Tuesday before, so we were heading out to visit another friend to celebrate, and I knew that pizza and ice cream were in my immediate future, so I wanted to get a good workout in beforehand to help stave off the desire to overeat. And man, I was feeling pretty good about myself... I stretched and put on my runners and was just walking down the stairs, looking forward to a nice hard run in the heated gym, when I realized that the gym doesn't open until 9 on Saturdays. D'oh!

My disappointment was boundless. But I couldn't, of course, strip OFF my workout clothes and climb back into bed, so I had no choice but to go for a nice run... outside. It was cold, and it sucked, but I was glad I did it. I didn't do C25k again. I listened to my own music and just alternated running and walking each song. I figured I still had the whole weekend to recover, so I wasn't too worried about hurting my legs, but I was pretty careful. I didn't have any pain, and I'm feeling fine now, so it was a success.

Eating this weekend, however, was not. It was a lot better than it might have been, something I'm proud of, but it didn't go entirely according to plan. I brought a bottle of orange juice as my snack on the train, because it was my healthiest option at the store, and it helped stave off starvation until we finally sat down to eat around 2pm. I was just going to order the salad bar, but then A's host mother decided to buy the pizza, and I was sort of expected to eat it, so I did. (That's not a good reason, but it's not entirely a lie. Korean people are weird about not eating food they've prepared or procured for you.) So I started off well, with fruit from the salad bar, but then started in on other things... like pasta salad. Ouch. Then I had a little bit of spaghetti. Then I obliged by eating the three (thin, but three) slices of pizza put on my plate, which wasn't a good feeling. Cola, too, although not nearly as much as I used to drink.

I wasn't even aware of how much I'd actually eaten until I didn't get hungry... for the rest of the day. The friends wanted KFC for dinner around 8, but I didn't even want it. I would have liked a chicken burger (it would have been delicious), but I wasn't hungry at all... the only thing I wanted was a fruit or vegetable to make me feel less gross about lunch. But those were nonexistent at Korean KFC, so I just skipped dinner. I'd apparently had plenty of calories at lunch, because I didn't get hungry until this morning. This was an amazing revelation, because I'm so used to eating when everyone else eats that I've never even imagined skipping a meal because I'm not hungry. The old me would have eaten a chicken burger anyway... not paid attention to my stomach saying "Nope, we're good, thanks."

And somehow I did it again this morning. I was really hungry when I woke up, so I had a granola bar. Then, we were planning to go to a bakery for breakfast, where it would have been easy for me to just get something small (or nothing at all), but instead we ended up eating with A's host family. And surprisingly, it was a delicious Korean breakfast... complete with all my favorite foods. So I ate too much. Not way too much, but enough that I wasn't hungry for lunch. I bought an apple before we left, because I knew I'd be on the train at lunchtime, but it's now almost 7 and I still haven't eaten it. I'm getting hungry for dinner, which is a good feeling.

It's been really nice, the past few weeks, packing snacks and eating normal regulated meals, and generally feeling more in control of my eating habits than I ever have, so this weekend was sort of an upheaval. But a good experience. And I didn't binge on sweets, so I feel pretty okay about it. I've already cut up carrots and strawberries for tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to the structure. I do have a three-day conference coming up this Friday, which means more temptation and another break from my system, but I'm hoping I can do better than this weekend.

And the most exciting news... I achieved my March Madness goal! To review, I'd been hovering around a plateau for a couple of months, so on March 1 I decided my goal would be to really kick it into high gear and try to lose 10 pounds before March 31. And at yesterday's weigh-in, I discovered I'd done it, with two days to spare. I now weigh 179.5, which is actually 10.1 pounds less than I weighed on March 1. AWESOME! Even better, I feel like I accomplished it in a sustainable way. It also meant a new HYC badge! (I think maybe I'm inordinately excited about that, but I don't care!)

March 1: 189.64
March 8: 186.8 (-2.8)
March 15: 183.7 (-3.1)
March 22: 182.8 (-0.9)
March 30: 179.5 (-3.3)

I managed to stay off the scale for the past 4 days, since I asked my host mom to hide it, and I think it was good for me. I'm going to try to weigh in only once a week from now on, although I hid the scale myself, so the temptation will be stronger. I'm not going to try to lose another 10 pounds in April... in fact, I'm going to try not to focus on weight loss as much as before, but rather on cementing and building my new healthy habits. I'll admit that I'm still looking forward... and realizing that even if I only lose 5 pounds a month during April, May, and June, I can be in the 160s when I go home! (And hopefully, thanks to the weight training, ready for a bikini.) My muffin top is definitely shrinking, anyway.

Eek! Another long entry. If you're still reading, I have a request... Can anyone out there in blogland recommend some new workout songs? I usually use hip hop and R&B, but I'm willing to expand my horizons as long as it's got a good beat. The TVs on my treadmills only show Korean TV, so I'm very reliant on my iPod, but I'm starting to get a little tired of my current mix. What do you bop to? Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...


OMG... That's so awesome! 10 lbs! I'm super proud of you.

In terms of the running, I'm impressed. Not only are you sticking to your C25K plan, but you added an extra run, yay you!

In terms of food, I think that recognizing true hunger is actually an incredible thing. I used to brag that I never felt full (well only when I was like 13 or something) but I just shut that feeling off. The fact that you're more in tune with your body and listening to it is great. Maybe your food choices weren't the best, but 1. you have to live and enjoy life and the things that you like to eat and 2. the meals around the unhealthy ones were healthy.

I really like your April goals too!

Keep up the excellent work!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Goodness you have had a busy weekend. It may not have gone by the plan that you had initially set out but i reckon it was very successful. You listened to your body when it was full and stopped with extra food. That is an awesome achievement.

Congrats on your 10lbs weight loss and also in staying off the scales. You will lose another 10lbs easily in April.

Keep up the great work. Well done

Anonymous said...

Briy, you rock! And I hear you on the muffin top shrinkage -- this morning, I noticed mine has shrunk and WOW! now I just keep rubbing my tummy ... my SHRINKING tummy! haha!

Thanks for your great comment on my post about the C25K -- I'm starting it today (!!!), in just a few hours as a matter of fact. I'm very excited about the idea that in just a few weeks, I'll be able to run 3 miles. I imagine being able to go running with my older son -- yay! I'm also curious to see how my lungs hold up to my first 60 seconds of continuous jogging. :)

As for the food -- I think you did a fantastic job of managing your eating and also of recognizing your hunger...err, lack of hunger. :)

Anonymous said...

All things considered...a great week!!

Here are the top 25 from my exercise playlist:
Name (Artist)
Walking On Sunshine (Katrina & The Waves)
Walk the Dinosaur (Was (Not Was))
I Touch Myself (Divinyls)
Brick House (The Commodores)
Cartoon Heroes *Radio* (Aqua)
If I Had $1,000,000 (Barenaked Ladies)
Rescue Me (Fontella Bass)
25 Miles (Edwin Starr)
Don't Stop (Fleetwood Mac)
Express Yourself (Madonna)
Get the Party Started (P!nk)
I'm So Excited (The Pointer Sisters)
Proud (Heather Small)
Thing Called Love (Bonnie Raitt)
Running On Empty (Jackson Browne)
Respect (Aretha Franklin)
Freeway of Love (Aretha Franklin)
Dance to the Music (Sly & The Family Stone)
The Sign (Ace of Base)
Tubthumping (Chumbawamba)
I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles (The Proclaimers)
Hella Good (No Doubt)
All for You *Full Band Version* (Sister Hazel)
Let's Get It Started *Spike Mix( (Black Eyed Peas)
These Are Days (10,000 Maniacs)

Hope you find something in there to inspire you...

Anonymous said...

Hi- Thank you so much for visiting my got me over to yours! Wow have had such great successes already!! Great job! It's great that you are working out and making good choices..hey we all have a few slip will see on my blog..they happen alllllthe songs..we'll i am no expert, since working out isn't one of my strengths these days..but here are some songs that are on my --"move it" play list.

Madonna- Hung Up
Avril Lavigne-Girlfriend
Pink- U & UR Hand
Justin Timberlake- Bringing Sexy Back
Hmmm..if I remember any others..I will add.
Happy Running/Walking! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Well done on the weight and good on ya for getting banging out the runs.

The social component of eating makes it even harder than it would normally be.

It's a life change, so it all evenes out over time if you're paying attention, and you are.

Anonymous said...

you are doing sooo sooo well :) hurrah!