Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a small accomplishment

Wow! I just did something super-neato. I changed my sidebar archive to display weekly, rather than monthly as it previously did, and according to my math (arguably one of my weaker points), it looks like I've posted at least once a week nearly every week since July--I missed less than 7, I think. (I didn't post in January while I was teaching winter class or home in America, but I don't really count that.) This is a big accomplishment for me, as I've never been able to maintain a journal that long... especially one in which I posted on a semi-regular basis.

And I'm not tired of it. Sometimes I didn't post as often as I would have liked, but once a week is something be proud of, and often it was just because I forgot about it... life swallowed me up. Setting a Google Calendar reminder has helped me a lot in the past few weeks. Even if I don't post right on that day, I see it sitting in my inbox and usually break down and do it soon after. And after I do, I feel better. Dividing my weight loss related posts into another place actually helps rather hindering me, because I feel like I can tackle some issues here and other things there, without worrying about the audience. So far, so good, anyway. A mini-victory. I'll have to do something to celebrate my one year anniversary of blogger-ing.

My feelings about going to Korea have been very rollercoaster-y, but at least for the last few weeks, I've been very positive about it. Just having the pressure of the medical forms removed and receiving emails from the coordinator and all of that has made me feel better, and I'm actually getting excited. I always believed that I was the kind of go-get-'em person who would be willing to and in fact really enthusiastic about the prospect of living in a different country and embracing a new culture and language. And I'm really excited to teach! I don't know what I'll do (honestly) if I find that teaching isn't as fulfilling for me as I imagine it will be, because I've spent literally my entire life thinking that it was the one career that is really perfect for me. But I'm not going to worry about it. I'm sure that at times it will be really really hard, and really lonely, and really frustrating. But I have to (and want to) believe that it's going to be an amazing experience. I have to go into it with a completely positive attitude, so that's what I'm going to do.

And that's why I like blogging... because I like being able to go back and read old entries and remember little things I would otherwise have forgotten, like the above gem (May 20, 2007) from the blog I kept while in Ireland. Well, luckily teaching IS for me... at least teaching in Korea has suited me really well. Apparently I am a go-get-'em person, because even though I doubted myself at first, I've been largely successful at creating My Korean Life (it sounds like a TV show). It's like I was psychic. It has been "really really hard, and really lonely, and really frustrating." But looking at a calendar today and realizing that I have less than four months left really surprised me. You mean I did it? I survived? Even thrived?

That's what I wanted to blog about tonight... my feelings now that I'm pretty sure I'm not extending and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (not that things have been particularly dark lately). But I'm tired, and I've spent too much money at this internet cafe already (STUPID HOST BROTHER)! So I'll update tomorrow, or at least soon. I've got a lot to say (as always).

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