Tuesday, April 29, 2008

HYC #7: Net loss for month that won't be named, and other mini-victories

Happy Tuesday, everyone! :) 

This feels like the first happy Tuesday I've had in awhile, so I'm pleased. I updated my weight loss ticker at the top to reflect the (premature) end of April, and I'm happy to report that I weigh 1.8 pounds less at the end of April than I did at the beginning. That may not seem like much of an accomplishment, but considering just the sheer quantity of ice cream cones I consumed in the past 28 days, it really is. It also means I only have to lose 7.8 pounds in the next 28 days to accomplish my numerical goal for May, which is far more doable than I'd previously imagined. If I can pull that off, I'll be in the 160s (169.9 to be exact, lol) for school field trip on May 28. It means I really need to buckle down, 'cause I can't afford to go off plan in a serious way at all, if I really want to accomplish it. 

Last night I had a pretty inexplicable mini-binge. I had to buy some chocolate for school, and I had some extra (which is never a good thing). I decided to have just one mini-bar, but then... I didn't stop. (I'll admit that first I typed "couldn't stop," but that's clearly untrue.) I didn't even really taste them... I just ate one after another as if I was some sort of crazed chocolate addict. When I looked at the calorie info, I nearly fainted. Each tiny bar is like 135 calories! I won't tell you how many I ate, but it was a shockingly unnecessary amount, anyway. And the strangest thing is... they weren't even that good! I don't get it. 

Something good came out of it, though, so I'm not beating myself up over it. I woke up this morning at 5:30 intending just to go for a walk, but since my back was feeling pretty okay (just a little tight), I decided to give running a try. (I'll admit that last night's chocolate-fest played into my decision in a large way as well.) I was just shooting for ten minutes... I didn't want to push myself too hard, but I was feeling good after ten minutes, so I went for 15. Fifteen was okay, so I pushed for 20... and so on. Then it was the last song of my 30 minute playlist, so I figured I might as well finish. :) The last song is like 5 and a half minutes long, so it was a little bit of a killer, but I did the whole thing! My back had completely loosened up by then. It was really reassuring to see that I hadn't completely lost all my endurance, which I was (perhaps irrationally) really afraid of. I hadn't run any distance for about 10 days, and this felt a little harder than my last 34 minute run, but I finished it! So tentatively I'm back on my training schedule with 19 days to go before the big race, which sounds good to me. (More C25k ramblings at the end, if you're interested.) 

And now... quote of the week:
"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents."

I enjoy this quote for several reasons. First of all, because it comes from such an illustrious source--none other than one of our historical "Captains of Industry." I don't know... I just really like taking statements that, on the surface, have absolutely nothing to do with weight loss, and applying them. For this one, however, I'll have to re-write it slightly: "People (namely Old Briy) who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity to be fat, no matter how impressive their other talents." 

And that's really how I used to feel. I sort of gave up on being able to motivate myself for long enough to see any real change, and I had pretty much accepted that I'd be fat indefinitely. I wasn't content with it, because it made me actively unhappy on a regular basis. But I did a lot of justifying and made a lot of excuses. I figured I had a lot of "other talents" that were more important than wearing a bikini. But for me, having lost some weight is an accomplishment in itself, but it's not the only thing. I'm more proud that I put my mind to something I'd previously thought was impossible and DID it. 

So, once again, happy Tuesday! I hope you have a GREAT week!

Aforementioned C25k Planning Ramblings: 
I'm considering declaring myself graduated from the C25k program... I really wanted to finish it in an official sort of way, but I've run 30+ minutes four times now, so I feel like I've achieved the primary goal of the program. Week 6 was the last week I completed according to the schedule, and now that I feel comfortable running the 30, I don't want to back-track... Especially because I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not running a full 5k in 30 minutes. I don't know how fast I'm running, but I don't think it's the race pace I've tried out on the treadmill. I'd planned, last Saturday, to do my run on the actual race course, but then I couldn't do it at all. So this Saturday I'll make a point to do it and see where I stand. 

Either way, I'm going to try to bump up my running time to 36 minutes in the next three weeks. My goal is to finish in 35 minutes. I'm also going to try to pay closer attention to my pace... I'll start out slow still, because the first ten minutes are always hardest for me. Then I'll try to consciously speed up for the second ten, if possible, then let off for the next 10 minutes, and then finish strong.

I figure, if I run every other day until the race (and then leave a 2-day buffer before the big day), I have 8 more runs. (Eek! That doesn't seem like many at all!) So here's my schedule: 

May 1,3: 32 minutes
May 5,7: 34 minutes
May 9,11: 35 minutes
May 13,15: 36 minutes
May 18: RACE DAY!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - not only on your weight loss - but also on your C25K training. You've made great progress, and I'm following closely behind.

Anonymous said...

Way to go on your loss and your run! Happy, Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...


I think you're amazing... weight loss-wise, C25K-wise, and in countless other ways. I think that you may have had a rough month food-wise, but look how far you've come... you're not punishing yourself, you've kept working out... those are some major steps in the right direction!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the month wasn't a complete bust! Well done on the loss!

Anonymous said...

A net loss for the month is an accomplishment, and all the sweeter for the struggle. Kudos to you for continuing to fight the good fight!

Great strides (no pun intended) on the running! I'm eager to see what your results are on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! The 1.8 loss is great for a month, much better than going the other way. I understand about mini-binges, had mine this weekend. I ate a ding dong, didn't really enjoy it. Then when I found out each one is 368 calories, I kicked myself. I would have much rather enjoyed a bowl of ice cream!

Hope May goes well for you in making smart choices, losing weight and your running goals.

Anonymous said...

I like the quote.

Yes, those mini-binges are bizarre. I wonder how much of it is due to horomones? (it's nice to blame everything on your hormones, isn't it?)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss and the training. You are doing an amazing job!
Path to Health

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great accomplishment! any loss at all is one step closer to your goals. and just think, if you lost a pound every month, by the end of the year you would be down over 12 pounds, and that is at least another size. you just keep it up.

Anonymous said...


I just found your blog. I'm doing the c25k too and just started Week 6 yesterday. Your running for 30 minutes is inspiring me. While I was searching for a goal 5k I ended up signing up for a triathlon. So now I have to jog a 5k but after swimming and cycling. Eek! I'll be stopping by to keep up on your progress.

Oh, and congrats for tackling this at such a young age.

Anonymous said...

You are doing great with your training and your weightloss! Keep moving girl- you ROCK!
Phat Teacher

Anonymous said...

I'm just so glad to see you happy about Tueday! That is just awesome.

I hit that part in the middle of this post about motivation and I tell you, it could have been me writing that. For so long I just felt like I wasn't losing weight. The real truth was that I wasn't being consistent enough to lose weight but I felt like I was trying because the unhappiness about the whole situation was just sucking the life out of me. Being motivated and staying motivated means I need to do hard things and give up some things I would like but in the end it makes me happier than just about anything else I can imagine.

We are both aiming for 160 in in a month from now. I have a bit further to go than you do and I'm nervous that I won't be able to do it but I'm still going to strive to get as close as possible. I'm pretty pleased to have someone else out there with the same goal. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Briy! Thank you for the comment on my blog. Way to go on the net loss! April has pretty much sucked for me as well, so I am so ready for May to get here so I can do better and go on vacation!
Regarding your Curves question: I really like it. The one I go to is near my work, but not near my house at all. I wish there was one closer to me so I could work out in the mornings, if I ever felt like it. They weigh and measure you every month, and then give you updates on your progress, which I appreciate. It's not too expensive; I pay $34 per month for it. And you know when you go in that as long as you do your 2 trips around the circuit, you're getting a decent work-out. Eventually I'll probably move on to a regular gym, but for someone like me who was just getting starting in working out, it has been a great tool. Hope this helps!