Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Internet fixed, and other small joys

I'm pleased to report that my internet is working at home again. Not sure what host mom did, but mad props to her. It's much more sketchy than it had been previously, so I probably won't be able to run any messengers. Oh well... so long as I can check email at home, that's what's most important to me.

I'm not sure I have much news to report. This has been a sort of uneventful but pleasant week. I've been really productive so far, actually finishing to-do lists, which is surprising. I made the Future Action Plan (FAP, remember?) and I'll upload that as a separate blog entry, in case you were curious. As of right now it's only 4:20pm, and I'm still at school, but I'm completely prepared for all three classes tomorrow. My to-do list is finished, except for jogging, reading, and cutting up carrots, which I have to do at home. I'm looking forward to running, then showering and taking a nap, as I've been pretty tired the past two days when I woke up (although it didn't stop me from going to the gym, I'm pleased to report).

Oh yeah, I've already finished a book this week! 12. Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. It was... good. I don't know. It still didn't change my life, but it was really funny and engaging. I'm not sure exactly what the point was, but that could just be because lately I've been rejecting the search for deeper meaning in literature, perhaps as gut reflex. I'm enjoying reading for the enjoyment so much nowadays that I don't want to ruin it. I do, however, want to read another book by Vonnegut, because I feel like I've started one or two and put them down quickly. But Cat's Cradle was such a quick and easy read... I want to see if they're all like that.

I'm excited, because now I can start on Jennifer Weiner's Good in Bed. I don't know anything about it except what I read on the back... It's a novel with a plus-sized protagonist. I received it in the mail from the same awesome friend who sent me I'm Not the New Me, the diet book that changed my life, so I have high hopes. I think it'll be light reading, anyway, which at some point I would have rejected, but now I'm looking forward to. I'm becoming less of a book snob, I think, and I'm happier for it.

I've taught a few lessons this week that I was genuinely proud of, and I'm actually looking forward to the ones I'm teaching tomorrow too. I think they'll be fun. Friday is the demonstration class, and I'm not really that nervous, which is interesting. I guess I'm just well aware that there's no chance I'll get fired. I should be more worried, for my co-teacher's sake, but I just want it to be over. This Saturday I'm having a spring picnic with my third graders at good school, so hopefully we'll have a good time. Oh, one of my boys was telling me last night, on messenger, that he'd "ruined" his listening test on Friday, so I tried to cheer him up as I was logging off. He said "I'm not sad because of listening test. I'm sad because you turn off the computer." Sigh. They're so cute.

Oh yeah... 32 days until the 5k. And training is going really well. I'm on week 6/9 of the program, with a long run of 25 minutes, but I just went ahead and did 30 yesterday on the treadmill. It felt great. I'm really liking running, which still seems a little impossible to me.

If I think of anything else meaningful I'd intended to share before Sunday, I'll come back. If not, see you then. :)

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