Friday, April 18, 2008


Can I interest anyone in a challenge? I know lots of people are already in them, but would any of you late starters like to have a go? :) I don't have a clear conception of anything about it... Maybe for anyone who's been losing steam in April (like I have), and wants to turn it around? There you go, we could call it TIApril, or just TIA. I'm thinking comment check-ins and supportive/lamentive emails if you like. Now until, say... May 30th.

Actually, funny story... I just started Googling to find out what holidays are in May. There's the obvious ones, Memorial Day and Mother's Day, but I'm not a mother, and there's a few Memorial Day Challenges going on already. But I knew it was meant to be when I saw that on May 30th, in 1848, the ice cream freezer was patented. Ice cream has happened to be my trigger food of late... I know that a little bit of ice cream isn't the end of the world, so I usually snack on that, but then all bets are off, and I'm tempted to eat donuts and chocolate bars too. So I'm willing to give up ice cream until May 30th, in hopes it will curb my snacking and get me back into the healthy lifestyle I rocked in March. I haven't gotten a sticker on my calendar in almost a week... I'd like to see how many perfect days I can put in before Ice Cream Day.

So what do you say? Anyone else want to turn it around?


Anonymous said...

I am sure you will have MANY rsvp's to your invite--but if you don't and even if you do--please feel free join Erin, Manuela and myself for the April challenge i posted about it on 4/8 or 9 maybe?). You can even create the May challenge if you'd I don't think I will be hitting the desired 10 lbs in April :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to!! I need the boost & accountability!!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. It will be nice to have some support. i have just started my own little April challenge in which for the rest of may my goal is to write down every thing that enters into my mouth. No matter what it is, no matter how i am feeling at the time. So far i am doing fine but the support is always a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, i forgot to ask you. What is this calendar and star thing that you were talking about? is it on a challenge somewhere or is it just something that you do yourself at home?

Anonymous said...

I could definitely be interested in some extra support to get me to the end of May intact. I might want to wait and see what shape it takes before I commit but count me as interested.

Anonymous said...


I just started one yesterday. It's the six-week challenge.

It consists of 60 minutes of either cardio or strength training per day, 6 days per week, for 6 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I posted about it last night.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, you know, I just can't bring myself to give up my occasional ice-cream bars. I don't let the cartons in my house, and as long as I keep that up I'm OK.

Maybe I could set a fitness goal for myself that allows me to reward myself with a real actual ice cream cone, though. Hmmm, seems sort of opposite of what you're going for here, though!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I could always use a challenge to keep me in check.

Anonymous said...

Hey, B- Guess the title of my effort will be TIO (Turn It ON!), 'cuz I'm just trying to make 170 at the same time as you do!

Anonymous said...


I know, I know -- but I just don't know many bloggers! :)