Sunday, April 20, 2008

where's the wagon?

eta: If you're interested in seeing more pictures, or curious about my shitty Thursday review, see my other blog. :)

So remember, just three short days ago, when I was so excited about turning April around, and had such a positive attitude?
Where is that girl?

Thanks to all you cool people who wanted to join the challenge I proposed, but after a big professional disappointment (aka, getting reamed in an evaluatory meeting by a jerk) on Thursday, I've spent the past couple of days in bed with a bag of chocolate, only getting out to get ice cream. Okay, it wasn't quite that dire, but needless to say, I haven't exactly been turning April around. Actually, my new April goal is just to make it through April and stay under 180. I'll kick into high gear again for May, but I think I need a little break. The one thing I haven't let slip in the past week is my exercise--I had four amazing runs this week, including running 33 minutes straight yesterday and today. So I'll keep up intense exercising and training for the 5k (28 days), because in truth I've actually really been enjoying it.

It's starting to get hot here, and I managed to find a pair of Korean shorts that fit (awesome). I actually bought a slightly smaller pair than I first tried on. They're a little tight, which is good, because it'll keep me from gaining any weight, and they'll last longer. (They were $30, which I feel was a good investment, as I now only possess four skirts that fit. All of my pants are too big.) But I won't try to be perfect for the rest of April. I'll just weigh in every few days to make sure I'm maintaining at least, and that I can still fit in these new shorts on May 1, when it's go-time again. And I feel okay about this decision. So I'm sorry that I can't lead the April revolution, but I'm just too drained. Thursday made me want to go home to America, or die, or both, so I just need to focus on making it through April alive and under 180 pounds.

Here's a pretty cool action shot of me playing basketball with my 9th graders on Saturday. Hint: I'm the one not wearing a school uniform. lol.

Here's a picture of the new shorts. You can't see them well, but you CAN see the awesome injury I sustained on my left knee while playing basketball with my students. This is me chopping an onion while making lunch for a couple of my students who came to visit me today.

Couch to 5k Update:
I guess this was week... 6? I did the 5-8-5 on Monday, then 8-5-8 on Tuesday on the treadmill. Wednesday I did the two intervals of 10 minutes. Thursday was a rest day, and then Friday I crawled into bed right when I got home from school, so I didn't do my workout. I'm sure it's probably not healthy, but lately my longest runs have been punishment runs, and Saturday was no different. I was supposed to do 25 minutes, but I ended up doing about 33, and it was... surprisingly nice. I wish I knew how far I was actually running... Next weekend I'm definitely going to walk to the actual race route and see how long it actually takes me. I did another 33 minutes today, and I was impressed with myself. I even added a one minute finish line sprint at the end, after which I wanted to throw up and pump my fist in the air (at the same time). I didn't do either.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, Briy, you are sooo inside my head right now. I, too, have decided to just focus on finishing out April with no weight gain. I don't know at what point, exactly, I got stalled (I had no bad review to point to. Yikes -- that is so demoralizing, isn't it? Sucks.) but I'm just trying to maintain right now, and planning on setting a few good goals for May. So much for Kick-Ass April, eh? :) Oh well. I'm keeping up with the C25k, and for now that feels like "good enough". :)

You rock, girlfriend -- I can't imagine how anyone could give you a poor eval!

Anonymous said...

I'm with bikinime AND you. My goal at this point is to make it through April without either gaining any weight or giving up altogether. My knee is all messed up and I know I ate more today than I should have. Sigh. But if we can make it through April, we can make May our "Make it Count!" month. And BTW, you are way adorable in your new shorts, cutting up onions with such concentration! :) :)

Anonymous said...

It seems like we're all on the same wavelength here.. Even though I feel like I've finally been able to get the ball rolling over these past few weeks, April *has* been a pretty tough month to get through. On all levels.

I think you've made a great decision to take a bit of a break from things for the next week. I think it's really healthy to be able to take a step back, re-evaluate and re-group. Surely in doing so May will be a huge success for you.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, sorry about your rough week last week. I think there's a lot of that going around.

Sometimes we just need to work at holding steady - nothing at all wrong with that. It's a break from the stress of lose-lose-lose. I'm impressed that you're not even thinking about taking a break from exercise. That's great! You're doing soooooo well with c25k. Go you!

Anonymous said...

AWWW, here's a giant (((hug))) for your bad eval. Remember, it's only somebody's opinion; and it has nothing to do with the "real" you. At any rate, I'm sorry that you've had to suffer through the drone of someone else's words banging around in your head.

Please know what a tremendous inspiration you've been to many of us...especially me!

Anonymous said...

Hey hon, I've got a blog award for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Make it through April, then get motivated for May. There is nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and how fantastic are you with all your running? I still don't know if I can handle week 5!

I just saw your other pictures on the side (don't know how I missed the progress shots). Aren't you ever cute! I love the January shot.

Have a great week!