Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Exercise Challenge and some youthful pictures...

The only real news I have is that I've decided to join the awesome Exercise Challenge that Swizzlepop started, and I'm really pumped about it. I've never done one before. My exercising has been going well for the past two months (it's maybe the only thing that's remained relatively constant), but I figure this'll be a good incentive to push a little harder and really count my minutes and calories. I'm trying to lose 7.8 pounds in the next 28 days, so I need all the help I can get. The challenge is to do 400 minutes, but I've decided my personal goal is 1600 minutes. That works out to 40 minutes a day half the time, and 80 minutes a day the other half of the time. If there's one thing I'll have enough of this month... it's time. We've got quite a few school holidays this month, and if I've been finding plenty of time to go buy snacks lately, I surely have enough time to exercise more. I'll be doing 30 minute runs (+5 warm up and +5 cooldown) every other day, and I'm going to do 40 minutes of fast walking on the treadmill or stationery biking everyday, so that should do it. I'm really excited about it.

I saw on Pattie's awesome Attitude Changes Everything blog that one of the latest fun random things is to post a picture of you as a youngster... so I'll hop on the bandwagon. I just had my Dad send me some for a lesson plan, so it's convenient enough.

I don't have any baby pictures handy, but this picture of me as a cheerleader seems sort of appropriate for this post about my exercise plans for the month. The best part, I think, is how serious I look... holding the fence with my little cup of gatorade and clearly concentrating hard on the flag football game I'm watching. The shock of blonde hair is pretty nice too. I miss that. Oh, and here's a high school picture for good measure, since we're on the athletic kick.

This is an awesome candid shot my Dad took of me during a high school softball game. It's one of the more flattering pictures I've taken in life, and I usually refer to it as my "Mother Teresa" picture, with no disrespect intended. I'm not sure what someone just said to me, but I've always thought I look like I'm ready to humbly accept the Nobel Peace Prize or something. Perhaps just because I know myself so well, I know that I'm clearly saying "Oh, I won? I couldn't possibly accept it..." I'm including this primarily as a reminder that I once had long hair, and that I could conceivably have it again, if I just stopped cutting it. I still like my mushroom cut, but I cut my hair very short Senior year of high school and haven't let it get much longer than shoulder-length since then. But I'd like to get back to this point.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the challenge and wonderful pics


Anonymous said...

Nice pics! You look so healthy and happy!

Anonymous said...

Those photos are lovely. Good luck with the challenge. I am doing something similar this month. Can i ask something? On your sidebar your goal for April was to write your victories in your Mantra book...could you tell me more about this book? It sounds really interesting and a nice thing to have so that you can look back on it later.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! I have added quite a few to my blog recently based on other tags. I want to add teh new Exercise Challengers to my private blog so please email me if you would like access and I will add you (I only post pictures in the private blog).
On another note, today is May 1st, our challenge begins TODAY. Check out the latest post in the Challenge Blog ( - add the blog to your reader if you use one). Come on, let's do this! No giving up! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the challenge. I am hoping to do well with my challenge too.

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your challenge, sounds like a great motivator. Cute pictures!! I'll have to post one too :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, and I bet you'll do great on the exercise challenge, too!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I joined the challenge too!

Good luck to us and those abs.