Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5k pictures

So here's the 5k pictures I promised, in case you care. :) Unfortunately, I uploaded these in reverse order. But whatever. Here's me at the end of the race, and the two handsome boys flanking me are my two favorite students, who showed up to cheer me on. They're so sweet. Conveniently, they also carried my box of fruit home.

Here's Meghan and I posing with our prizes. She got some kind of honeydew-ish melon, and I got the Korean version of canteloupe, which isn't too bad. 

Number 18 isn't too bad, right? I think it's a sign that we got 8th and 18th... A sign that I'm way slower than her. lol. 

The after-race reward snack they gave us. I tell you I woofed those bananas down like you wouldn't believe. And they were deeeeelicious. 

Here's the pre-race picture. Lucky number 5391. Those are our home-made t-shirts, in bright green. You can probably read "Team," and the word next to it is "foreigner" in Korean. 

This is the back of my t-shirt, and my brainchild. It says "What are you looking at?" Fitting, since we got a lot of stares. 

I hit up the gym for the first time in ages tonight, and if sheer amount of sweat is an indicator, I had a pretty awesome workout. My t-shirt was soaked. And I could have felt gross or embarrassed, considering the number of hot boys in my gym, but I was mostly oblivious to them, except when they left their huge weights on all the damn benches and then walked away to chat. Bah! I'm happy to be back in the swing of things, though my abs are killing me. I've decided to take the 100 push up challenge too, so we'll see how that goes. I did my 5 sets of 2 today, but it was literally impossible for me to do more than 2, so I might have to take this slow. 

Finally, my host sister (she's about 11) informed me yesterday that she thinks my ideal weight would be about 40kg. Or... 88 pounds. I'm 5'6", for God's sake. She just doesn't understand weight, I suspect, but it was quite a shock, let me tell you. Needless to say, I probably won't get there. 


Anonymous said...

Please don't post pictures if you make it to 88 pounds. :)

Loved seeing the pictures! Thanks for posting them!

Anonymous said...

I agree that 88 lbs may be a bit too low for your height and build. :)

Love the photos -- you guys look like you're having a great time!

Anonymous said...

LOL to the 88 pounds. Awesome pics and I love that t-shirt

Anonymous said...

Your photos were so inspiring. Who knew running could be so joyful. I agree... no 88lbs please. :)


Anonymous said...

What fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures. And eek! 88 lbs is, like, near death right? Yeah, she doesn't understand weight just yet.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!

I cannot wait to run my next 5K in september.

Anonymous said...

Team Foreigner?? I love it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on that awesome bling and your amazing 5K pictures...all proof that you are indeed an icon in our ranks!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the race!

Anonymous said...

Do you have a blog that is devoted to your experience in Korea?

My brother is interested and would like to speak with someone who is actually experiencing it.

Looks like a fantastic time!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5K. Couch 2 5K is an awesome program!!

Anonymous said...

I LIKE the fact that the pics were backward.

it reminded me of those oldschool flip books (remember them?)!

KUDOS on the run!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just found your blog through scalejunkie. Nice to meet others who are battling the same demons! You look great!