Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a quick morning update

Okay, so it's Wednesday, and I'm going to hammer out a quick entry in the 17 minutes I have before my first class starts. Lately, since I found out I'm extending, blogging to preserve the memories hasn't seemed quite as pressing as it did when things were still up in the air, but I'd still like to stick to it. Plus, I noticed when I logged into Blogger this morning... this will be my 98th entry in this blog, so I'll soon cross the big 100 threshold. That's cool, because it means that, whatever the reality, I blogged an average of about two times a week for the past year, which is an awesome improvement over any other blog I've ever kept. I'm not sure what my previous record for continuous blogging in a single place was, but I'm sure it was far less than one year and 100 entries.

I have to teach two second grade classes first thing this morning, and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm not actively dreading it either... this is just my least favorite day at this particular school. First and second period, and my two least favorite classes (although I do like them, in fairness). I'm still not 100% on their names, and showing what a bad teacher I am to second grade... I only just last week figured out that I did, in fact, teach a pair of girl twins--one in each second grade class. I just thought that girl was everywhere, I guess. No, she's quiet, so... wait, that doesn't really explain why I wouldn't notice the SAME APPEARANCE in two consecutive classes. Whatever.

The bell just rang, which means I now have about 10 minutes before the first class rolls in. Hmm... anything of interest to note? I officially purchased my plane ticket, for about a bazillion dollars, but I'm definitely coming home... there's no going back now. I'll arrive home on July 16 around 10pm, I think, and then I leave on August 14, at some ludicrously early hour like 5am or something. I'm starting to get really really excited about coming home, especially now that I know I can come back. Korea has ceased to be super-super-annoying lately, which is an improvement, but still I'm getting tired of certain aspects of my life. I can only hope... No, I'm pretty sure, that once I'm away for a month, I'll really miss Korea. And besides, it's only for five more months after that. That'll seem like only a hearbeat after being here for a year.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm staying. I'm just ready for a vacation. Ready for some American food, and especially, I'm ready not to have to lesson plan for 4 weeks. That'll be the best part. Co-teacher is making me do a speaking test, so this week all I had to do was teach poems "I Hate Homework" and "Boa Constrictor" by Shel Silverstein. And next week at less-good school, all I'll have to do is listen to people pronounce things unbelievably terribly. This line, in particular, is a real problem, because of all the L's and R's: "Or wrestle a lion alone in the dark." Normally I love teaching, but all this lesson planning is starting to get a little tiresome. Only a little.

Things I'm looking forward to doing in America:
1. SHOPPING for new clothes (and BRAS) that fit!
2. Laying out in the sun
3. Going to the library and checking out about a million library books
4. Staying up late and sleeping in
5. Watching a million American horror movies that I've missed
6. Hanging out with friends I've know for more than one year
7. Learning to cook
8. Running with my Dad


Amy said...

Yay I'm so glad you're coming home! Despite the fact that I won't get to see you, I'm happy that you're getting a vacation. :)

Anonymous said...

"6. Hanging out with friends I've known for more than one year" (and eating Mexican)

Hey sister - There you go... thought I'd tack on that extra little bit for you. See you soon (relatively speaking). - PW

Randy said...

"8"....uh oh...I'd better run more to keep up with you!!!!

Marigold said...

When you come back to the states for good, I propose a horror movie marathon. I've been slacking off and need another horror movie buff!