Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2/30: "If I were a rich man..."

Day 2. Good. I spent longer doing my devotional tonight than I intended, but that's okay. I did my first two weight training workouts of the week on yesterday and this morning, so now I have two days off, which means I don't have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow. Thank God. I do need to get up a little earlier, so I can call the TFA girl for my informational phone call, but not until 6:15. I was really really tired today during and after school. I took a half-hour nap on the table in the English classroom, then another two hour nap when I got home from school. Not sure why exactly... I slept about 7 hours last night. But my body needed it, I guess. And I still got everything done, so whatever. 

My students have been really enthusiastically praising my "passion" recently. (My fashion, that is. Pesky F-sound!) I've gotten a lot of compliments from teachers too. (Wow slim! S-line!) Which really just goes to show you the difference that properly fitting clothes make. I haven't lost any weight since I left Korea, in fact I weigh about 2 pounds more than I did at my lowest in July. But now that my clothing fits me in a flattering way, I guess it's a lot easier to see the distance. I'm glad of that. 

I did a lot of productive lesson planning today, which was awesome. We're going to study "If I Were a Rich Man," from Fiddler on the Roof, on Friday, and I'm excited about it, because I love the song. I tried it last year too, but this time it will be better, because I'm devoting more time to just the song, there will be a translation, and I'm only teaching the first two stanzas. The grammar pattern is "If I were, I would..." so first we'll talk about "If I Were Stranded on a Desert Island" on Thursday, then follow up with pop song on Friday. It should be fairly fun, I hope. 

p.s. Korean grapes? Lame. I can't remember if I've mentioned this, but if so, it's perplexing enough for another mention. Grapes are my favorite fruit (tied with apples and bananas, okay) in America, but in Korea... no. Korean people don't eat the skin of most fruits (they think the pesticide will kill you), so they skin apples and pears. This apparently extends to grapes, too. So you have to suck the inside of the grape right out of the skin. It's pretty unpleasant. Not too hard once you get the hang of it, but my hands usually end up a bit sticky. Plus, they all seem to have seeds. Overall, it just makes eating them more difficult. And one thing I love about grapes is their convenience. You just pop them in your mouth--they don't drip stickily on you like apples, and there's no peel to dispose of like a banana. Plus, you can freeze grapes, and that makes them 300% more delicious (no really, it's science). 

Going to post at the diet blog. Have a lovely day~ 

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