Thursday, November 20, 2008

42: You could be my boyfriend, I could be your girlfriend...

So I'm back, after roughly the longest hiatus ever, with forty-two days left until the end of the year. I think maybe I've finally chosen a date to actually leave Korea... around February 6th, ideally. I need to tell Fulbright the date by November 30th, so it's about time that I got serious about deciding this. If I get a TFA interview, it'll be sometime between February 10th-12th, so I want to get back in plenty of time for that, obviously.

I'd like to get more serious about blogging again, especially since the end really is so near now. I'm getting really sad about it, and I know that feeling's only going to intensify as I check off days on my calendar. I bought a new camera finally, since mine broken ages ago, so you can expect to see some pictures soon. Just in time, too, because our school festival is next Wednesday. I wrote a 10 minute comedic version of Romeo and Juliet for one of my third grade classes to perform in English. The only problem is that we had literally two days to practice this week, and then only two more next week. It may be disastrous, but I've been having fun rehearsing with them. It's a lot less stressful for me than last year's singing and dancing extravaganzas ("Uptown Girl"). Apparently I don't have to organize anything for the other school... not even sure when the festival is, but I'm sure I'll want pictures.

I'm also back on the diet. In the past month I went from my lowest weight since April 1st to my highest weight since April 1st. Awkward. It's flirting with the number I said I'd never go above again, and it's a good sign, I guess, that seeing that number did spur me to get back on the wagon. The freezing weather has made getting out to exercise harder, but that's no excuse... I just need to get back in the groove. Pictures of the first snow coming.


The Smith Boys said...

glad to see you back in the blogosphere! Love you!

Randy said...

Good job Brit...glad to see you're back writing...
Love, Dad