Friday, January 16, 2009

bored in Texas

I know, I know. I don't know what's wrong with me either. I'm really bored.

1. Who is your favorite SNL personality past or present?
I don't really like SNL. Does that make me a bad person? I mean, I like it... but I don't like anyone in particular that much. And I hate Will Ferrell more than is really reasonable.

2. What color do you like most?
My favorite color used to be black, but lately I'm really warming up to purple. I've bought a lot of purple stuff in Korea.

3. If you can have a superpower, what would it be?
Can I see the future? I think that would be awesome. Flying would be okay too.

4. If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?
Okay Melissa, I hate you for not saying South Korea. I would go... to Australia and New Zealand. I definitely want to go there before I die. Or back to Ireland. I really miss Ireland.

5. Which part of you do you hate the most?
This question isn't very good for self-esteem. Also, the answer that just came to mind is totally gross and I can't share it on a blog, so I'm going to not count this question.

6. When you get sad, what do you do?
When I get sad, I stop exercising, lay in bed for long hours of time, and eat a lot. Also, I spend a ridiculous amount of money renting movies and buying TV episodes from iTunes.

7. What book are you reading now?
The Art of Travel, by Alain Botton

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do with the money? 
I really don't know... I don't have debt, thankfully. I'd probably travel a bit, give a lot to my parents and my sister, buy myself a house, and give the rest to charity.

9. What did you love the most about last year (2007)?
Last year wasn't 2007? I'm confused. 

10. How did you get your name? 
I don't know. 

11. If you could go on a date with any celebrity, who would you go out with? 
Tough call. Norman Reedus, Orlando Bloom, Karl Urban, John Krasinski?

12. What type of person do you hate the most? 
Melissa's answer is good. I hate know-it-alls. But I think I hate hateful ignorance more, particularly when it manifests itself as racism or sexism.

13. What is your greatest asset? 
You're so vain, Mel. Was this necessarily a physical attribute? (I'm just jealous because I don't have a nice butt.) My... eyes.

14. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? 
That everyone I love would die happy and late. 

15. How did you celebrate the New Year? 
I... had broiled beef soup with my boyfriend on New Year's morning. That's about it. 

16. What TV show do you watch that you are embarrassed to tell people about? 
Why should I be embarrassed? Actually, I just don't watch much TV. Law and Order and The Office is about it. Oh, and The Biggest Loser now.

17. It’s 2009. What are you looking forward to this year? 
Finally finishing up my time in Korea happily and seeing what it's like to live in America. Maybe, because of the economy, I shouldn't be looking forward to this, but I am. Oh, interminable optimism.

18. Anything in your life that you wish weren’t so awful? 
Winter weather.

19. What’s the shallowest thing you intend to do this year?
What makes something shallow? I don't really understand.

20. Coke or Pepsi? 
Coke Zero.

1 comment:

The Smith Boys said...

I don't know if we can still be sisters. I LOVE Will Ferrell! I love Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Target Lady (Whatever her name is), Seth Myers...ok, I know too many cast members.