Saturday, January 10, 2009

year in review (better late than never...)

1. Was 2008 good for you?
Hmm... yes. I would say that overall 2008 was good for me. I managed to lose a little more weight, and more importantly, I didn't gain any back. I'd say that generally, I enjoyed my job more than I hated it. I made some good new friends, and I feel like I became closer to my family

2. What was your favorite moment of the year?
I'm sure there were a lot of amazing moments this year, but none in particular stick out in my mind. Probably, though, when I stepped off the plane in America for the first time after being in Korea and saw my mommy waiting for me at the airport.

3. What was your worst moment of the year?
Again, I suppose it's a good sign that no single moment stands out as being spectacularly terrible. I did feel depressed at times this year, just completely energy-less, so probably one of those moments. Ah, wait... when Science High School teacher made me cry after my demonstration class. That affected me pretty badly immediately and for the next week.

4. Where were you when 2008 began?
I was in Naju, South Korea, where I live.

5. Who were you with?
I keep getting Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve confused... But I think I was probably with Meghan, Matt, and that alcoholic guy drinking fruit soju and going bowling.

6. Where will you be when 2008 ends?
I was... alone, I think. New year's eve was sort of a non-event this year.

7. Did you keep your new year's resolution of 2008?
I kept one of them! I read 50 books! I think... I didn't get to my weight loss goal, or write a novel, or apply for TFA or grad school. But I have another year, I suppose.

8.Did you fall in love in 2008?
Maybe? I don't know, it's possible.

9. If yes, with who?
Possibly with Manuel.

10. Are you still in love?
Really, who wrote this meme? Are you twelve years old?

11. Did you breakup with anyone in 2008?
No, although I think I closed a door recently that had been open for a long time, and which I'd been relying on. But it was probably time that it closed.

12. Did you make any new friends in 2008?
Yes! Thankfully the people who came to Naju in August were not crazy freaks like last year's ETAs, so now I have Caitlin and Jacklyn to attempt to fill the gaping hole left in Naju by Meghan's departure.

13. What was your favorite month of 2008? Why this month?
Hmm... let me try to think of one good thing that happened in every month. This is where consistent blogging would certainly be useful, huh? Note to self. I'd say March was my best month, because it was the month that I lost 9 pounds and finally got under 180 pounds for the first time in years.

14. Did you travel outside of the US (or your home country) in 2008?
Yep, I lived outside of my home country, in Korea.

15. How many different places did you travel to in 2008?
I didn't really go anywhere except home to America for two visits, and some places in Korea.

16. Did you miss anybody in the past year?
I missed my family and friends back home a lot.

17. What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2008?
Man, I'm so lame. I should really start keeping track of the movies I see. I'll make that a new year's resolution for this year. Let's see... the best movie I saw was probably... Tough call, but I really enjoyed "The Millionaire's First Love."

18. What was your favorite song from 2008?
How about the 5 songs I played most according to iTunes? Ooh, they're all Korean.
1. 태양 (Taeyang) - "나만 바라봐 (Look Only at Me)"

2. 세븐 (Se7en) - "라라라 (La La La)"
3. 태양 (Taeyang) - "기도 (Prayer)"
4. 이민우 (M) - "남자를 믿지마 (Don't Trust Men)"
5. 빅뱅 (Big Bang) - "하루하루 (Day by Day)"
And 5 other songs that were important to me...
6. Leona Lewis - "Bleeding Love"
7. Epik High - "1분1초 (One Minute, One Second)"
8. Flo Rida - "Low"
9. J. Holiday - "Suffocate"
10. 샤이니 (Shinee) - "누난 너무 예뻐 (You're So Pretty)"

19. How many concerts or plays did you see in 2008?
I don't think I saw any... Oh, unless the Christmas Cantata counts. Oh, and I directed a comedic 10-minute version of Romeo and Juliet.

20. What was your favorite book in 2008?
This should be easier to answer, because I actually did keep track of most of the books I read. I read some good books... and some really bad books, but I'm going to go with the two Jonathan Safran Foer books as my favorites: "Everything is Illuminated" and "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close."

21. Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
I dated a few people I'm sorry I wasted time on, but it's not worth being ashamed of.

22. What was the biggest lie you told in 2008?
Thanks for getting me thinking about this, but I'm certainly not going to reveal said lie on my blog.

23. Did you treat somebody badly in 2008?
... I'm sure I did, because I'm not perfect, but I don't think there's anybody that I systematically mistreated. Let me know, if there is.

24. Did somebody treat you badly in 2008?
The flight attendant was such a bastard. Besides that, I don't have any complaints.

25. What was your proudest moment of 2008?
Jogging across the finish line of the 5k.

26. What was your most embarrassing moment of 2008?
Ahaha... accidentally revealing way too much of myself to my language partner at our first meeting.

27. If you could go back to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be?
I would actually DO Nanowrimo. I would not have dated Unique. I wouldn't have drank so much on my birthday that I threw up in the stairwell. How's that? :)

28. Where did you work in 2008?
Dongkang Middle School, Noan Middle School, Jeonnam Beauty High School, and a hakwon. (Shh...)

29. Favorite TV shows(s) of 2008?
American: Law and Order, The Office
Korean: One Fine Day, Women of the Sun

30. Favorite Band(s) of 2008?
Shinee, Big Bang, TVXQ

31. Favorite Food in 2008?
I had a lot of them, but I'll say that I've really come to love 비빔밥 (bibimbap), which is totally unexpected, because I hated it in 2007.

32. Favorite Drink in 2008?
Does this mean alcoholic? Umm... I'd say I consumed a vast amount of Coke Zero during 2008, since I started to quit drinking regular soda.

33. Favorite Place in 2008?
I'm not sure how to answer this. My favorite bar: Fruit soju. My favorite restaurant: Myeong-Ga and Little Fox Pizza. I don't know. 

34. Favorite person(s) to be with in 2008?
I'm going to have to go with Naju crew for this one. Navy seals. Arf arf. And Manuel, for the last month of 2008. :)

35. Favorite person(s) to talk to in 2008? 
Tim is still my favorite conversation buddy, in large part because he provokes me.

36. Favorite trip in 2008?
I don't think I took many trips. All the trips to Nonsan to see Amy were wonderful. Jeju Conference was pretty fun, except for the conference portion. Going home to America twice was the best trip, obviously. But meeting Manuel's family was exciting and scary and gratifying.

37. Favorite stores in 2008?
Gap, because I can finally shop there. And New York and Company made an amazing pair of jeans for me. In Korea, NII is still my favorite.

38. Hardest thing you had to go through in 2008?
I don't think there's anything legitimately "hard" that I had to go through, thankfully. Which is good, because I know there will be a lot of years in the future where there will be.

So that was 2008. I can't believe another year is over. 

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