Wednesday, October 17, 2007

family birthday party and miss camp = beckham?

Our family's farm workers who came for my birthday party. I think we were just looking to fill spaces at the table. :) The one on the left usually ignores me, but the one on the right is the one who makes half-hearted attempts to talk to me in English, and who talks about me constantly in Korean. Like I don't know the word for teacher, and that I'm the only teacher in the house. He's also the one who brought me the flowers. Ridiculous. Cute.

Aforementioned flowers. Me and host sister, who I really wanted to stab, because she was being obnoxious. Her favorite routine is to say "Meghan skinny, you fat!" It was marginally tolerable the first time, but it just irritates me ever since. It's more acceptable to Korean people to talk about weight, and to joke about it, but I think she's just an obnoxious spoiled brat. And I can handle it on most days, but on my birthday? Sigh. Thank God for the flowers and alcohol.

Why do we have to feed the kitty cake?

Here's me and my baby! And the flowers that the farm worker brought for me. Cute. Check out the spread... that's rice, samgyupsal (my favorite Korean meat), cake, and special lemon soju for me. Treated like a queen. A fat one.

At the impromptu birthday one of my NMS 3rd grade classes threw. It was actually their homeroom teacher who bought the cake and brought it, but the kids apparently insisted that I come down to the classroom so they could sing to me. Both of my co-teachers at Noan, interestingly, forgot my birthday, but this other random woman-teacher remembered and brought a cake. Again, complete with noisemakers. When I ran to get my camera, they had written "I love you" and "Happy Birsday" on the board.

The kid in the gold jacket is the one I pelted with the eraser. So cute. I love this class! Their name is "Best Class."

Other third grade class - "Sexy Class." The girl on my right is amazing, and so is the chubby girl to my left looking away from the camera. And check out Mr. GQ on the far right.

Me getting ready for soccer.

Me playing soccer. Sort of.

1 comment:

Marigold said...

Seems like more fun than you could have in America! You look great, and your hair is very nice (every time I say that, "very nice," I think of Borat, *shiver*). Really, I ♥ the hair. Yay for photos!