Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another picture post

My principal likes to feed me stuff. I'm glad she's a woman, so it's not weird. She's cute.

I have roughly zero idea what's up with her do-rag, but she's a really sweet lady.

I guess pizza + candles is more common than you might think. And delicious!

I love this lady too! She's the one who brought the pizza, which earns her a thumbs-up from me.

So you're probably tired of hearing me say that I love my students. Sorry. This is the card/paper that my co-teacher had my students sign. You probably can't read it well, so I'll just share some of my favorite highlights with you:

"sexy girl"

"I love you boyfriend" (to which another student added: "Are you creazy?"

"The human is funny - you die!... Man friends you die?"

"You don't sad. Are you marry me? Um... sorry?!"

"Are you gentle?"

"come on yo baby! You always happy! So I'm happy!!!"

"You best!!!"

And... apparently inspired by our in-class dialogues between Student (S) and Miss Camp (MC):

S: "Miss Camp you... die?" MC: "Yes." S: "낄낄낄 (kill kill kill!)"

They're not actually threatening me. That's my #1 disciplinary tactic in class: "[student name] You die!" And then throw something at them.

Surprise! Another party. :) The lady on the left is my principal. The lady on the right is obviously a huge geek, because she's wearing a USB key around her neck.

These flowers are fake. And a prop. They kept saying: "I'm sorry. We can't give them to you. Recycle." What?


My school crush. I like to believe that in this picture I'm just about to break into "It's My Party (and I'll cry if I want to)"


Marigold said...

You look happier than I've seen you in a while (well, I mean, before Korea).

Pete said...

Birthday pizza and cake? Outstanding - so that's how you rock the party on the other side of the globe. Pictures say it best so please keep posting. BTW, you had me at corporal punishment :)