Thursday, November 15, 2007


GROSS. I just looked deeply into my throat, and it's revolting. It must be strep. Cringecringecringe. I look like those pictures of STDs!

eta: To add some slightly more upbeat info to this entry, I just discovered that being sick was just what I needed to re-kickstart my weightloss. I now weigh under 200 for the first time in my not-so-recent life. 196.9, baby. And I haven't exercised in weeks. Once I'm no longer too sick to stand on my feet for long periods, there will be nothing stopping me! 180 by Christmas.


Marigold said...

Yay for you being under 200...but you do realize that 180 by Christmas would be 20 pounds in one month, which is super unhealthy, right?


Pete said...

Sorry to hear you're still under the weather sister. You know how I feel about sick people - stay home until you're fully healed... and get well soon.

Congrats on the weight loss, but I wish it were under better circumstances.

Carrie Henderson said...

come home!

i will call south korea and demand them to return my friend... i will.