Saturday, March 22, 2008

0.9 pounds? Grr.

It's Saturday, so it's WEIGH-IN DAY. And I'm sad to say, I was pretty disappointed with today's results. Perhaps just because I miraculously managed to lose an average of 3 pounds the past two weeks, so being down 0.9 pounds today sort of paled in comparison. But it's a loss, which I'm happy about, and it still leaves me with 9 more days to lose the last 2.8 pounds to succeed in March Madness. There's a couple things helping me to console myself about not losing the full pound... I just started weight training seriously for the first time in a long time (3x this week), so presumably I'm building muscle at the same time as burning fat, so I'd like to believe I lost 3 pounds but gained 2.1 pounds of muscle (it's entirely possible! :) Also, TOM arrived in the middle of the week, which is when I stopped losing, so I'm hoping to see a big drop on the scale next week when he departs. I've read on a lot of fitness blogs that women have a hard time losing anything during the time of the month, but I've never managed to be good enough on a diet/exercise regimen for an entire month to notice the difference. I guess I can test the theory again next month, with April Madness. (I'll need a new name for it, I think.) 

So today's weight: 182.8

The good news is that I finished my last Week 2 run for C25k today, and it was much easier today than the first and second time I did it, so I'm feeling pretty confident going into Week 3. I know from reading other C25k blogs that it suddenly ramps up in intensity really fast in the middle, so I'm relieved that next week doesn't seem too intense--some 3 minute runs, I think--which I know I can do because I've done them in the not-so-distant past. It really is becoming a habit, even just after these 6 runs, and I'm actually looking forward to Monday, crazy as that sounds. My Dad'll be so proud! I'm thrilled. :) 


Anonymous said...

Let's round up to 1 lb shall we? Really, that's a great loss. Not every week will be 3 lbs, and those 1 lb weeks will add up. Congrats for your loss.

And congrats on completing week two!

By the way, you've been tagged. Check out my post from today for details.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing week 2. I just finished week 1. I'm moving onto week 2 since I didn't have the problems that I had my first day. I was breathing naturally during the run and didn't need a minute and half to feel up to running again. I'm sure I'll be panting again when I move onto week 2.

Way to go.

Anonymous said...

I think 0.9lbs is a fantastic loss for TOM week. The female body becomes like a sponge during that week and holds a lot of fluid.

I'm impressed with your progress in C25k. I'm a nightmare runner but i'm trying to change that.

Hope you are having an enjoyable Easter weekend. Did the Easter bunny come to visit?

Anonymous said...

Hi briy -- thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a great comment. :) I wish I had been as self-aware at your age as you seem to be. Btw, you have a gorgeous smile!

I'm thinking about starting the C25k program myself. I'm still a little chicken, tho -- the idea that I'm supposed to run for 60 whole seconds in a row seems out of my league at the moment!

I'm going to put a link to your blog on my site so I can read yours every day. :)