Monday, March 31, 2008

Couch to 5k: Week 4, Day 1 and April Goals

Thank you for all of your kind congratulations, and especially for your workout recommendations. I'll be tapping into those for next week... I'll let you know how it goes!

Today I did my first Week 4 run for C25k, and let me tell you, it was ROUGH. Rougher than I thought it would be, although I knew there'd be a big difference between running 3 minutes and running 5 minutes. The weather wasn't ideal, as it wasn't too cold but very windy, and I'm pretty sure I was running directly into the wind for 3 out of 4 intervals, which was... difficult. I got a little out of breath, but other than that, it was mostly okay. I only felt a little pain in my lower legs, and it faded shortly after I noticed it, which made me happy. I definitely can't say that I enjoyed today's run... although I guess maybe I sort of enjoyed it... once it was already over and I had a nice peaceful walk back to my house for twenty minutes. It's funny, right after I finished I was thinking "oh God, that sucked. I'm so out of shape. Week 5 will kill me." But by the time I got home I'd already attained a more rose-colored view of the experience. That'll probably help when I'm psyching myself up to do it again Wednesday.

Wednesday I intend to do a few extra intervals, because I know I need all the help I can get to be ready for Week 5. I know week 5 is a lot more intense, but I don't dare look at exactly how much more intense yet... Better to make it at least two-thirds of the way through week 4 first. This morning's weight training was exciting because I sucked it up and did squats for the first time. Actually, I tried to do them once, my first session, and I was so paranoid about not being able to do it properly that I quit. Plus, it was inordinately more difficult then that I found it today, for reasons unbeknownst to me. This morning I knocked three reps of 12 out, two with weights, and it felt good. I'd been doing lunges for the past two weeks, and while I definitely feel the burn with those, they feel a little too unsteady for me, whereas squats done right feel like the steadiest exercise in the world. Stumptuous convinced me they're the best workout ever. I love that website! I'm a little concerned that I didn't feel sore today. I'm hoping I'll wake up in at least a little pain tomorrow. If not, I'll up the weight on Wednesday. I'm too scared to use the barbell, which might be part of my problem... so I just use dumbbells, but I can't find any demonstration videos with dumbbells, so I'm improvising. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I don't think I mentioned this... but last Thursday I busted my ass playing basketball. Thankfully I didn't do more damage, but I skinned the hell out of my knee. We play on a thin layer of sand/dirt over concrete, so when one foot slipped, the other knee slid on the ground. It was caked with dirt at first, so I didn't really know the extent of the damage and I kept playing, but then about 5 minutes later one of the boys stopped dead and pointed at my knee, horrified. I was bleeding pretty good, including one lone drop that had slid all the way down to my ankle and dripped on my tennis shoe, which now looks like a lost Law and Order prop. I cleaned it up, and it hurts, like a skinned knee does, but I'm just really relieved I didn't bruise it up too bad that it would hurt to run. But it looks pretty gross tonight. I don't have any Neosporin, so I'm thinking about just going into the Korean pharmacy, pointing at my knee, and saying, "What?" We'll see.

Hmm... there was one more thing. Oh yeah... I'm in love with the Oprah magazine. A friend lent me a copy (from like, November 2006, I think) to read on the train back this weekend, and I fell in love with it. I don't watch Oprah's show, but I mostly like her in principle, and I think the mag's great. I've never really been a magazine reader, at all. I sort of shunned magazines, I think, because I felt like I should be reading a book... but then I discovered that what I can like about a good magazine is that it has a little bit of everything--fashion, beauty, books, current events, etc. I realize O is not Newsweek, but I never claimed to be a real intellectual, and I need some opportunities for light reading in my life as much as the next girl. Anyway, one of the articles in the November 2006 issue was by a social scientist who described how he sets 3 new goals every month (based on the age-old belief that you can form a habit in 30 days). Anyway, something about this really resonated with me, and since it's the very last day of March, I'm setting three goals for April. And unlike my March goals, these will be non-numerical, and not all about weight loss, because while I don't mind my life being consumed with healthiness (which in fact affects all areas of our lives), I don't want to just be obsessed with getting into a bikini. I think what most appeals to me about this is that I can do it every month for the rest of my life. I'm very much a work in progress, and pride myself on the fact that I'm always (at least) trying to improve myself... but this seems like a very systematic way to go about it, which I like.

So, my April goals:
1. Read 50 pages a day on weekdays, and 100 pages on weekends. One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2008 was to read 50 books this year, and so far, it's going... okay. But, I'd like to be more systematic about it. Plus, I think setting aside at least the 30 minutes to an hour I need to read these pages each day will be good de-stressing me time. And, it'll help keep me busy on calmer weeknights, when I often struggle with snacking.

2. Blog on a regular basis. When I don't blog, it's not because I don't want to, and usually not because I don't have anything to say... Mostly I just don't make time for it. Up until now, it's been relatively low-ranked in importance on my to-do list, but this month I'm bumping it up to see how it goes. I really enjoy being able to look back, and I think I'll particularly want to have this for when I leave Korea (in 3 months, eek!).

3. Eat at least three vegetables a day (ideally one at each meal) and one fruit. You'll note that this is my only nutrition-related goal, which is intentional. I think I need to give myself some time to adjust to the changes I made in March, so I'm not going to push myself too hard during April. Theoretically doing Couch to 5k three times a week is a habit I already formed last month, so I'll continue that, and continue focusing on eating the right foods in proper amounts, but that's as far as I'm going toward quantifying this month. My new clothes I just bought in January already don't fit, so it'd be okay if I slowed down until I can get back to America and actually buy new ones. :)

Time to read! I'm starting Tim Winton's Cloudstreet tonight. I hope you all feel as good as I do!

p.s. The music on Robert Ullrey's week 4 C25k podcast is really bad (for me)... almost bad enough for me to stop complaining and actually figure out how to make my own podcast.


Anonymous said...

Morning, Briy! Thanks for your comments on my blog - glad you found me so I could find you! :-) (I'm hopeless at finding people on my own...)

Lots of thoughts. First, congrats on your C25K progress! I'm finding it super hard...I haven't gotten past week one yet, mostly because I seem to take any excuse not to run. :-( GOT to get past that. Sounds like you're doing great though, especially running into the wind. (Sounds like a Bob Seger song!)

Weight training...ahhh, weight training. My personal nirvana. :-) Seriously, though, it wasn't till I started circuit training - hand weights, with cardio intervals - that I really found my exercise groove. My personal favorite is Jillian Michaels' website, which is where I get my circuits, but I would be willing to bet that any of her DVDs would be awesome demos. Or the Biggest Loser DVDs have some great strength workouts with hand weights too. If you then alternate your sets with one-minute cardio intervals, hey presto, you have circuit training! :-)

I love your reading goal! Reading is another passion of mine and I firmly believe a healthy body is only half the need the strong, healthy mind too.

Blogging has been an amazing tool for has really added a missing piece to my transformation. It keeps me focused and connected and I have met the most awesome people through it.'s time that is strictly for YOU. I think it's great that you're focusing on giving yourself time to do that. :-)

And steps are SO important. I love that you are setting smaller, attainable goals and giving yourself time to adjust to them. That is how we change when we don't mean to - a little at a time - and we know how hard THOSE changes are to reverse. So if we make healthy changes that way...they will stick better, too.

Glad to have "met" you, and I look forward to reading more from you!


Anonymous said...

Oprah magazine is one of my favorites -- I had a subscription for two years and remember reading the same article you've mentioned. :)

And I'm so envious of your skinned knee -- I can't wait until I am outside playing and getting skinned knees and elbows. Badges of honor, proof that I am not only active but playing hard, making contact. :)

People will see my scabbed-over knees and ask, "What happened to your knees?" and I will oh-so-nonchalantly reply, "Oh, tennis" or "Oh, softball." And they will know that I'm not in the game to look pretty, but to play.

... Looking pretty is just bonus. *grin*

Anonymous said...

If you're having a hard time running for five minutes straight (I def. did when I was at that point) make a conscious effort to SLOW DOWN. I know you're probably already going slowly, but slow it down even further. When I'm running for 28 minutes my speed when I start seems hilariously slow and easy for me... then after a few minutes it starts to burn, and by 20 minutes it HURTS, but I can keep going because I've paced myself. To get an idea of my pace... walkers have passed me. But I'm still running! Give it a shot! You're doing awesome.

Anonymous said...

Great goals. Hmmm, 3 every month... haveto think about that.

Try Audacity for creating podcasts ( It's free so the price is right. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! Yes... I feel for you about week 4... it nearly killed me and I HATED the music on his podcast for week 4 but found week 5 was much better. By the time you hit week 6 (I think, I've stalled again) you are running bigger stretches so you could probably listen to what you like. I find podrunner great, you pick a track with a RPM that matches your running, having said that if you don’t like techno/electronic music it might not work for you.

Er... yeah, I better go work (I am letting myself get distracted) but I will catch up on the rest of your blog soon! :) Have a great day. Julia

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your weight loss! And your motivation to do
C25k. My sisters & I are thiking of tryig that.

It was interseting to see you like O magazine. I like it too! I was actually a guest on her show in February - my 15 minutes of fame...

Good luck on your endeavors - you are definately on the right track!