Tuesday, April 1, 2008

HYC #3: April Fool's Day!

I reckon I'll use these Tuesday check-ins to take a look at my progress toward my monthly goals. But since it's April 1, and I'm only just now starting on my first set of monthly goals, I don't have too much to say as yet. I started Cloudstreet last night, and read my allotted 50 pages, and surprisingly, I actually love it. Usually, when something is saddled with the distinction of being a country's "national novel," I end up disappointed (e.g. Ulysses). But Cloudstreet's great already... I even read half of my daily allotment of pages this morning on the bus, which caused me to almost miss my stop.

Yesterday I did do something a little exciting. I decided I wanted to upgrade my calendar. As I've mentioned before, for the past few months I've used an intricate system of checks and X's in red pen on my calendar to indicate days when I ate well or exercised, but last night at 9pm I suddenly got a hankering for some cute stickers... so I changed out of my PJs and am now the proud owner of 100 colorful strawberry-themed stickers. Sweet. If just being healthy and looking great wasn't incentive enough to eat on plan and keep fighting my way through C25k, surely these stickers will do it. I'll take a picture of it at the end of the month.

And lastly, I think I've found a 5k I can run here in Korea, which happens to be about 2 weeks after I'm scheduled to finish C25k. I kinda feel like, as if my first 5k run wouldn't be difficult and draining enough in America, I'm sort of asking for trouble by trying to do it in a foreign country and language. But, it could be way fun, so I'm seriously considering it. Thursday I'll ask my co-teacher to look into it a little more and find some of the logistics, then I'm kinda hoping I'll man up and sign up. (I'm a big, brave dog. I'm a big, brave dog.)

I'd hoped to write something insightful, but it's just not happening today. Good luck, everyone! I hope you have an excellent first week of April and get yourselves off to a great start.

eta: I found this quote on one of my lovely fellow-bloggers pages, and it really got me thinking: 

"The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life." --Cyril Connolly

Lately I've been thinking a lot about my eating patterns, and why I used to eat so much when nowadays I'm so happy (most of the time) eating healthily. I often find myself wondering, then, how I'm going to maintain this healthiness once I am back in the land of plenty (of transfats and fast food). What's going to stop me from turning to multiple Taco Bell value meals when the going gets tough? And I'm not sure. I've read some wonderful posts recently about emotional eating, and I've tried to figure out if that was really my problem. 

I mean, I know I did it... I know I binge ate sweets when I was feeling down, which was a problem. But I think the worst thing for me was social eating... because most of my social life revolved around food. I love going out to dinner... so I'd do it twice a night, sometimes. I don't really think I lacked a purpose in life. I was certainly busy enough--a college student with two jobs trying to stay afloat. I think what I lacked was other things I loved besides eating. Other ways to derive endorphins. Other things to pass my time. I never (until now) managed to find an exercise plan I could stick to, although I definitely find that now that I exercise regularly, it's much easier for me to avoid binge eating. But rediscovering other pastimes that I let fall by the wayside when I was so busy studying and being social have helped too. I spent almost an hour tonight reading, and it was just a nice, relaxing experience, and I didn't have the urge to snack at all. 

I think the most important thing I can do for myself when I go back to America is nurture these non-food habits. Join a book club, so I can spend time with other people someplace other than Chili's (mmm.. queso). Do exercise classes to spice things up and have more fun while working out. Spend more time with my family just hanging out. Rent movies and watch them at home to avoid the temptation to eat a big tub of popcorn. I'm hoping, at least, that nurturing these non-food habits will help keep me busy but happy, because they're things I like to do anyway. 

We shall see, I guess. :) 


Anonymous said...

I love your plans for April they sound very realistic and do-able.

The stickers sound like a fantastic way to keep track of everything but also pretty things up a bit.

Hope the knee heals quickly.

I say go for it with the 5K run

Anonymous said...

If you ran the 5K in Korea you'd certainly have the coolest tshirt on the course when you got back to run with your dad. :)

Anonymous said...

stickers are a great idea! You're on your way to success!

Anonymous said...

You ARE a big, brave dog! :-) I did kind of laugh at your comment about running in a different language...I do get what you mean, but it made me giggle nonetheless. Which is always good. :-)

I love the calendar. I have one too but my stickers are just different-colored foil stars. In fact, I need to put one on right now for yesterday...

I think it really helps to have something like that to track, if you're of an organizational bent at all. It's pretty motivational to look at all those pretty stickers. :-)

Have a great week and keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Wow, look at all the weight you've lost! That's terrific.

How is weight loss when you're in a foreing country? I always imagine that the food in Asian countries is so much healthier.

Good luck on the 5K too. I'm really enjoying it--just wonder if I can actually run for 25 minutes straight!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your success so far. You really are doing amazing!! I think your plan for April sounds GREAT!! And I am sure you will do awesome!!

Hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

Anonymous said...

April sonds like it's going to be a good month for you. If you keep to your plan as much as possible, it will be great!

Anonymous said...

Great plans.
Best wishes in your upcoming race.

I think I need to take that quote to heart.

I used to do race walking.

Anonymous said...

Thats a great quote. It is totally true!! I heart stickers!! Good luck with your races, especially running in a different language!! Letme know how that works for ya lol

Anonymous said...

I think that kind of reflection is so healthy and positive. Thinking about the *why* of it is an important part of the equation of you're going to make the new habits you've adopted permanent. Good for you. That said, I'm also a big fan of stickers! It's funny how motivating those little bits of sticky paper can be! :)

Anyway, good luck with your run and with the rest of your journey. You're *almost* there!


Anonymous said...

You are in SUCH a good place--understanding where you've been so you can plan how to get to your destination is so critical to success. You are on your way!

And can I just say, mmmmm, strawberries! Excellent choice! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! you are right, we are pretty close in weight and goal weight.

I think it sounds like you are doing great and your goals are awesome (5k ..wow!). I agree with what yo usaid about the exercise...its just about finding what is right for you and what you enjoy. it has taken me a while to find something I like, but its worth it when you do.

Anonymous said...

Stickers are a great way to measure your progress, you can give yourself rewards after you get to X amount of stickers too!

Anonymous said...

Hello! SOunds like your head is SOOO in the right place!! The calendar system, the working out, the eating right, the replacing some habits with other, non food related yet still pleasurable ones!!! I am sure there are more that I left out. You have already lost so much..and have all these great new tools to help you keep it off! You are very inspiring!..and yes..a brave dog! I don't even run in my native language...hee hee

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm an expat too, and am really trying my best to get in shape and change my habits before we move back to the states next year. Do you ever go back for vacation? If so, that's a good way to test the waters in the grocery store, restaurants, etc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for popping by my blog.

I do like the sticker idea, infact, that may be something I might do to movitate myself a bit more...thanks for that idea hun.

Good luck with the race, running isn't my thing but if you can run then.....FANTASTIC!!

Hugs x

Anonymous said...

Awesome weight loss, girl! Sounds like you’re making good plans for when you come back to the States. They say we're the most overweight yet undernourished country in the world. Talk about eating too many empty calories - we're #1! Quite a distinction, eh?

Are you teaching ESL? My best friend does that in Japan. Wave to her for me, will you? :-)

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea of keeping yourself busy when you get home to avoid having lots of time on your hands to eat out. If you try and fit some social excersise things (like yoga classes, running club, sports teams...etc) it might be a healthy social substitute! :)

AND... doing the korean 5k would be SO cool! You should so do it just for the novelty factor if nothing else!!! :)

Anonymous said...

ahhh you are doing so well! and cloudstreet is my favourite book of all time, how very cool :)