Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Virtual Model

Number one: Me at my heaviest, 235 lbs. And at the time, I had a supremely unfashionable short haircut as well, to add insult to injury. My plan is to upload my worst and fattest picture sometime this week, but it will look something like #1, with more clothes. Number two: This is, allegedly, what I look like now. It's probably accurate, although I share the medical condition known as fat blindness that many other weight loss bloggers have talked about. If I had known how fat I was getting, surely I wouldn't have let it happen. I was blind to the fat. Numbers three and four are me at my goal weight of 150. Contrary to the title of my blog, I did not choose to depict me in a bikini, but rather, in a super low v-neck black sweater, a pair of cute jeans, and high heels. Also, my hair has magically grown 8 inches and become fluffy and wonderful. Exciting, isn't it?

I remember discovering
My Virtual Model ages ago, but I only recently re-discovered it. And thank you, MVM, for causing me to spend nearly the entire evening dressing my future thin self up in adorable outfits. I haven't played with dolls since I was a kid, and I definitely didn't have anything more important to do with my evening. (But at least I've already gone jogging!)

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