Monday, March 17, 2008

Pictures from Saturday's hike

Here's the pictures from the hike that I promised...

Here's a nice view of the other mountains. This might qualify as a range. The mountain I climbed is called 금성산 (Goomsong).

Here's a nice shot of the super-intense stairs section that almost killed me. Only there's about a million more. (Not really... like I said, it's an intense section, but it's relatively short.)

What I brought-- My new little purse backpack, which is awesome, my water bottle, my cellphone, my notebook and pen, and there's the remnants of the super-delicious orange I gushed on and on about.

Here's a view from the street of the mountain I climbed. The little thing you can barely see at the top is the structure in the next picture.

Aforementioned structure, where I chilled out and took the following scenic pictures.

A nice view of my town, sort of. Look, Mom! I can see my HOUSE from here. Well... I can almost see it.

Me looking proud and accomplished at the top, and hopefully thinner. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog!

We definitely understand each other about how challenging living abroad can be at times. In most cases the positives far outweigh the negatives, but there are those occasional "where do I fit in" moments that creep up from time to time. Nevertheless, it's great to see that you're enjoying your experience and I wish you all the best. Oh and CONGRATULATIONS on your amazing weight loss!!