Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On the Temptation Scale of 1-10, we're at a 79.

I guess it's my own fault... I blogged yesterday about feeling good. I invoked the wrathful gods by saying that I hadn't had any big cravings to fight this month. Then I woke up this morning with my period, and it's been downhill ever since. Usually my dessert and treat of the day is two squares of thin chocolate. For the past two weeks this has been more than enough, and I haven't even felt tempted to polish off the entire bar. Yesterday I decided to have four squares--an impulsive decision, but one I was sure wouldn't derail my whole diet. But today... all bets are off. I was good for breakfast and lunch, but for whatever reason on the ride home all I could think about was food. The new Dunkin Donuts they put in around the corner from my house is the bane of my existence. I was lying in bed and imagining a half-dozen donuts, ice cream, a big cold bottle of Coke, a cheeseburger, etc... and I almost didn't trust myself to get out of bed. I went for a haircut as a distraction. (I've been needing a change, and decided bangs might be nice... It's a change, and I don't hate it, though I'm not sure how I feel about it completely.)

I also decided to have an early and relatively health dinner (around 6) in hopes of avoiding a bingeing disaster, and I only ate only a little more than a fist of food and felt perfectly satiated (but not full). I hadn't, in truth, been terribly hungry yet when I ate. I then browsed a few stores before ending up at Dunkin Donuts, but in a miraculous display of inner strength, I managed to only get two donut holes. I'm sure even those are bad for you (I refuse to look it up on the Dunkin Donuts website), but I want to consider it a success, because it could have been much much worse.

But the problem is... the evening isn't over yet. It's only 7:47. I came home around 7 and met my host mother as she was walking in the door, and proceeded to immediately get into an argument with my nine year old host brother. (He is, I have to say, a really spoiled brat.) I stood firm against my host mom's suggestions that I eat (again), because rice and spicy cabbage isn't what I'm craving anyway, but then when I tried to use the family computer for 5 minutes (while host brother was eating!) he pitched a full-on fit. Screaming and whining and refusing to eat and the like. All because he apparently wouldn't have been able to save his computer game he was in the middle of. I just wanted to go up and play on My Virtual Model for awhile in hopes that it would help me remember why I didn't want to eat ice cream and Doritos, but the site doesn't work on my Macbook, so I wanted a few minutes, just while he was eating dinner. But no... he pitched a fit. Mom tried to reason with him, and when that didn't work, she said "Just use it, really, it's okay," but watching him roll around on the floor and scream about not getting his way was too much for me. He finally got on host mom's last nerve by weeping, so she took away his bowl and was dragging him into his room to yell at him and give him a smack (that's how we roll in Korea) when I decided I had to leave.

How do kids get that way? So I came to the local internet cafe to discover that MVM doesn't work on this computer either. Great. Now I'm frustrated, I want to punch a nine year old, and I still want chocolate ice cream. Really bad. I really think I could gain 52 pounds back TONIGHT. Not exactly what I'd call progress.

I'm not even sure why I'm here. I had to get out of the house, because just looking at his little face and the gap between his teeth was making my skin crawl. (Side note: I've lived with this family for 8 months, and I have a very good relationship with Mom and little sister... it's only the boy who hates me for no logical reason and is a spoiled brat.) So rather than going to the local McDonald's substitute, or back to Dunkin Donuts, I guess it's good that I came here. I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up ready to start fresh tomorrow, but it's too early for that.

I would think I'd be more tired... since I woke up at 5:40 this morning. I said I'd try going to the gym at 6am when it opens to spare myself some embarrassment, but even I wasn't sure I'd stick to it. But I did. I woke up at 5:40, before the alarm went off, and didn't feel like going back to sleep after I went to the bathroom, so I went to the gym. My legs were still killing me from Monday's workout, and I hoped they'd loosen up with my brief warm-up on the treadmill, but they didn't. The lunges were excruciating, but the rest of it was okay. I was bored, and thus wanted to quit, but I didn't, because I really believe it will make a difference. Doing enough weight training to get sore is great, in some ways, because it makes me way more aware of many muscles I didn't know were there, especially in my back, chest, and stomach. Before weight training, my fat just sort of seems like a numb mass, but for the past few days, it's like I've been able to feel that thin person inside... the lean and strong person who could go eat one cheeseburger, or one ice cream, and still feel okay about herself. She's there, anyway, and I'll do the lunges if it helps to bring her out.

Anyway, there's other things I'd like to say, but this entry has been rambly enough, and if I keep typing, it'll just be an effort to keep both my hands too busy to eat anything. Hopefully, this is mostly physiological thanks to TOM, and in a few days I'll be able to reflect about it a little more rationally and start to understand it. I hope. Or maybe I'll be back babbling tomorrow night. I'll do whatever it takes.


Anonymous said...

Know that you aren't alone in how you feel this evening. Granted i don't have a 9 year old to listen to while he throws a tantrum (thank God, you have my sympathy there). But i also blogged only this morning about how my diet was super and everything was going well, however this evening i sit here convinced i'm starving and i keep googling lovely easter treats that i could bake. Oh and the 7/11 is just downstairs and is yelling come buy some chocolate, biscuits and ice cream *screams*. I'm refusing to give in and i live in hope that when i wake up 2moro i will be rational.

Be strong, u can get past those cravings

Anonymous said...

I can feel for you with the cravings. My sweet tooth comes out when my period is about to start. That just happens to be now. I can't tell you how many gum drops went in my mouth yesterday. UUGh.
Also, welcome to the HYC. I have found it very inspiring to have the help of others. Good luck yo you.

Anonymous said...

Those hormones sure create havoc in our bodies, don't they? Hang in there - it WILL pass!

Hey - my best friend lives in Japan as an ESL teacher! According to her, it's an experience of a lifetime. I hope you're enjoying it all - despite a certain bratty nine year old boy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were strong through one hell of a struggle. Two doughnut holes isn't bad at all ... if you were that strong the rest of the evening you can count the whole thing as a huge achievement.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Cat! It always helps to know we're not alone, doesn't it?

And Beth... I guess I never noticed a special sweet tooth because of my period, because I was always craving and eating sweets all the time! But I guess you're right. It's terrible! Thanks for the welcome! I've already found reading the other blogs to be really inspiring!

Hi Pattie! You're right... they already have passed, thank goodness. Yes, I'm really loving it! I've heard great things about Japan too...

Happy-- yes, I'm proud to say those two donut holes were the extent of my binge, but I'm sure I worked off those calories stressing and blogging about them, so I'm saying I broke even. :)