Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Teddy Bear Museum, and More Excitement in Jeju

The following will just be a bunch of pictures from the conference. Mostly just from the Teddy Bear museum, which I mentioned in my last post.
This is me cooking samgyupsal (that really fattening but delicious "Korean bacon" I've referred to before).

This is Tim and I in the phone sex booth from the Museum of Sex and Health. I'm smiling for the picture, by the way, not because I'm really enjoying whatever she's saying (in Korean).

I have some much more lewd pictures from the Sex Museum, but those two will just have to serve as representatives.

Me in front of the Teddy Bear Museum. I'm trying to do an impression of that bear behind me, not just having a random jazz hand. (Although there's nothing wrong with random jazz hands.)

I don't look quite serious enough. Me and The Thinker (bear).

Our hotel. It was a strange shape.

Jeju is known for having nicer weather than the mainland, and pretty flowers. I've started noticing some pretty things on my jogs in Naju, and been meaning to take pictures, but here's some I took around the hotel.

Me in front of the hotel.

Another pretty flower.

Looks just like Florida, doesn't it? That's what I was thinking the whole time.

This is my new desktop background. Pretty, huh?
You can't really see me very well, but it's a pretty picture.

It was really nice being right on the water.

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