Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Teddy Bear Museum, and More Excitement in Jeju (Part 2)

Michael Jordan, the bear.

Tearing down the Berlin Wall.
Princess Diana's Wedding
Michael Jordan, up close. That's a nice touch.
Mohammed Ali, or something. I'm not really a boxing fan.

Me with Marilyn Monroe bear.

This one's mostly for my Dad. The moon landing. One small step for bears, one giant leap for bear-kind, I guess.

No caption needed, really.

Pope Bear? This is a little sketchy.

Mother Teresa bear--also sketchy.

Sinking of the Titanic bears. Notice the "I'm the king of the world" moment happening in the background. Awesome.

Self-referential bears, as Tim called them. I'm not sure why these polar bears look so happy about the fact that the Titanic is sinking.

I have no idea what this is.

Little known fact, the first batallion to storm the beaches at Normandy was actually teddy bears.

Disney Land bears! This is actually a motion display, and they're dancing, but you can't see it. Sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That bear museum totally rocks! Seriously, I'm lovin' the bear museum. Much better in pictures than you described. Take care. -PW