Sunday, May 11, 2008


That's right. I basically rock. 

After being thwarted in my attempt to figure out how fast I've been running last weekend, I tried again today. I knew there was a running track at the local university, but up until now I'd been afraid to try to use it, since there's usually people around, and I don't know if it's really for public use or what. Plus, I just imagined the awkwardness when someone tried to tell me to leave. But today I snuck in and discovered, to my elation, that it was completely empty. It was about 11:15 when I started, and a beautiful day... about 70 degrees with a nice breeze, and I was feeling pretty good when I started. 

I was feeling even better when I looked down at my iPod and saw that my first mile time was 10:16. Hell yeah. I started to get bored and want to quit halfway through my second mile, so I just told myself I had to finish that one, but when I saw that my second mile was 10:15, I knew I had to finish. My desire to quit, I realized, was really ludicrous. Nothing on my body hurt. I didn't have stitches in my side, or feel out of breath. My legs felt good, and I wasn't even sweating too bad. The only thing that hurt was what I've come to think of as my "will to continue" muscle. I'm not sure exactly where it's located, but it's the number one impediment to me completing runs. On Friday I quit about halfway through, and I was disappointed in myself. I'm glad that this was my special race day dress rehearsal, because if it hadn't been, I might have quit again. These days I'm struggling more with boredom while running than with anything else. I'm thinking switching up my tunes will help. 

So yeah, mile 3... I'm not sure. I had a bit of a stopwatch malfunction on the last lap, but I feel fairly confident I can extrapolate that it too was under 10:30... probably closer to 10:20. Which means I did three miles in... under 31 minutes. I hadn't even dreamed I could be that close to 10 minute miles! I was sooooo excited! Granted, I still have to add that last .1, which I conveniently forgot to run today (whoops). Plus, the actual race route has a slightly uphill portion which will slow me down. But I was shooting for under 36 minutes, so now I'm feeling really good about my chances at pulling that off! 

And more that that... it's just nice to be able to say now, for sure, that I've run three miles. When I started, I definitely didn't think it was possible for me to run even one mile. And although, during C25k, I knew that theoretically I was probably running at least a mile at a time, I still doubted myself. I figured I was just running phenomenally slowly. (It sure felt like it.) But now, here it is, irrefutable proof that I'm in way better cardiovascular shape that I was the beginning of March. Sweet. 

As for the May Exercise Challenge.... it's going well! I got a little side-tracked in the last few days, but we're still on track. Last week I did 485 minutes (my goal is 400 a week). This week I'm at 225 so far, with plenty of time to make the goal. I've been doing the ab workouts, although it's hard for me to remember to do and they're really boring. I'm just hoping I see results. It doesn't seem to hurt enough. Maybe I should do more, or different exercises. I'm not sure. I had some over-snack days, but I managed to have a perfect day today, and I'm shooting for a perfect week, so wish me luck with that. It's going to be really hard to get into the 160s before the 28th, but I'm bound and determined to do the best I can with these next 17 days. There's still time. 

Question to any runners who may still be reading this: What do you think about while you run? I'm asking because of my boredom problem. Do you try to think about anything? Do you try to think about nothing? Do you zone out to music? How do you keep from getting bored? 

Alright... time to wrap it up and hit the sack. I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! 


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, you rock! From head to running toes! Congratulations on all your successes!

I'm not a runner, but when I'm out walking or riding my shiny new bike, I write short stories or screenplays in my head or I fantasize about winning the lottery. The BIG lottery. Basically, I try to get my head somewhere other than where I am at that exact moment. :)

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! *high five* Yeah, baybee -- now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Right there! *grin*

Briy, that is AWESOME!! I'm sooo happy/excited for you!

As for beating the boredom ... I just try to stay aware of myself jogging. I focus on making sure I'm in alignment, I try to remember to shake out my upper body so I don't tense up, I feel my legs moving, my ankles flexing, my feet hitting the pavement. I try to achieve grace and fluidity in my motion instead of just letting my arms flop around or my feet just pound the road in response to gravity. I love those moments when everything is working together and I am graceful and powerful and I feel beautiful in my strength and fluid motion. I listen to my breathing. Sometimes I even pay attention to the world around me -- note where the blackberries are ripening, listen to the birds, enjoy brief bits of shade, wave at people (yes, I said I wave at people these days. Who knew that would ever happen? ha!).

I am sorely tempted to get an MP3 player so I can listen to music while I run, but I'm afraid of separating myself from the joy of the running if I do that. Also, I don't want to isolate myself even further from the people around me -- I want to keep smiling and waving. :)

Oh, look! I've written an entry in your comments. Sorry! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome job on your 5K! Keep up the great job.

When I run, I think about anything and everything: what I have to do for the day, for the week, how's my breathing, what am I going to eat after this run, etc. I also try to pick scenic routes so that I can enjoy the area I'm running in. I have tried listening to music, but it messes with my breathing. I also like to be aware of my surroundings when I run, and music doesn't help me with that.

Anonymous said...

You do rock... WOW. That's amazing.

I'm so proud of/inspired by YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that's great, and yes you do R-O-C-K!!
Your progess pictures are wonderful, you are doing great.

Anonymous said...

three cheers, woohoo! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on that run... sounds like you are one hell of a runner. Way to go!

I try to not think of anything. LOL I think all day and consider myself pretty lucky if I can stop thinking about statistics and other nightmares for a little while. So my thoughts just sort of wander and for me that is such a nice break. I'm loving my new iPod and so my music is making it really fun for me too. Maybe if you change up the tunes that would be helpful. You could also try audio books or podcasts?

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot to mention that I'm used to spending up to 12 hours alone in the woods everyday during the summer so zoning out is sort of natural to me. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow! You blew that 5K away. Great for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome work on the 5K!

I run without an iPod. I had always intended to get one, but then I realized I really enjoyed connecting with the neighborhood, listening to the sounds, appreciating the sights, being in tune with the miracle my body is performing by propelling itself forward... man, I get cheesy about running, but I am so in love right now...

Anyway, I don't really know what to tell you not to get bored, because I don't. Definitely find a visually appealing area to run in. Wilderness trail? Fancy neighborhood that you can drive to? I live right near the Niagara Gorge and my neighborhood is full of trees and pretty houses, and one of these days I need to start running at the State Park nearby to mix things up.

Anyway, good for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5K that is awesome!
As for the ab work outs, I hear ya but I kept it easy because I have found that if you aren't an exercise fan (like me) it makes you feel better to set the bar low and then exceed it so that you have that sense of accomplishment and then can slowly start setting it higher without giving up so soon. Make sense? Feel free to do more or add some stuff. I actually just found this yesterday that looks like a good work out but totally too advanced for me.

Anonymous said...

Great job!! I am so inspired. I have been sidelined a little bit for now but I am hopeful it won't be too long. Thanks for sharing your excitement!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been behind on my reading, but thank God I caught this post. Can you SEE me doing a happy dance in my jammies for you??!! You are absolutely right: You ROCK!

I'm still training, although last week pretty much had to count as an "off week" for C25K because I was on the road. Still managed to stick to other program goals, though.

When I AM running, I visualize all the things I am working on in different areas of my life: financial, spiritual, physical, emotional and family.
