Monday, May 26, 2008

she comes and goes and comes and goes like no one can

So I stopped blogging for two weeks, despite my best intentions. I probably wouldn't even be blogging now if something totally awesome hadn't happened yesterday that I just have to share.

So yesterday morning (Sunday) I come out of my room for breakfast to discover a new addition to the living room... a little tub with live octopus in it. We've even moved the pump thing out of the fish tank and into the tub, where about 10 little octopus are squirming around. I almost screamed. But wait, it gets better... So later I'm sitting in my room reading when I hear my host sister start shouting somewhat hysterially for host brother. I understand the word "octopus," and then belatedly "came out." So I had an idea what to expect when I got out there, but nothing quite prepared me for that slimy thing creeping around on the floor in the living room. Much hilarity ensued as host brother put on a plastic glove and tried to pick it up and put it back in the tub, only to be thwarted by the stickiness of its underside. (omg, Korea, gross.) I'll take a picture of the tub if it's still there tonight when I get home, although I really hope it's not.

Aside from that newsworthy bit, the last two weeks have been... okay, I guess. I don't think anything too remarkable happened. I ran the 5k last Sunday (pictures forthcoming), and got 18th place among women. (I'm not sure how many people there were total, but whatever). My time was 27:50. It definitely wasn't, however, a full 3 miles, so I can't say that I ran 9 minute miles, but whatever... I was really proud. I trained for that thing for 2 months. I never dreamed I could possibly run one mile without stopping, let alone three, so I feel pretty awesome.

Then again, I haven't run for a week since then, but whatever. I have every intention of going when I get home from school, so we'll see if that happens. Wednesday I leave for the 3-day field trip at good school, then I'm home on Sunday for one day before leaving on Monday for field trip with other school. I have a strong suspicion I'm going to be seriously tired of middle schoolers (and more likely teachers) by the end of it. But hopefully I'll at least have some good pictures.

Haven't heard any confirmation about extending. There might be some coming next week. If so, I'll let you know.


Kate Murray said...

HA that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Crazy Korea.

Unknown said...

Sounds scrumptious.
[there's a little bit of seriousness in that statement, actually].