Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I can has internets? Oh, yeah.

Well, this entry will technically say Wednesday, but whatever. It's 1:30 in the morning, so I'm counting it as Tuesday. 

Correction, it's now 2:15. I just spent 45 minutes finishing up a novel I started today and screwing around with my widgets, which all seem to have disappeared, for some reason, when the computer guy came. I wonder what else disappeared. The good news is that the book, Notes on a Scandal was number 32, meaning I'm already caught up for August, and it's only the 20th. I'll be done with at least one more, maybe two, by the time September rolls around. Well done, self. The only thing that troubles me is that I can't read things I really want to read... I pretty much have to settle for whatever's here, if I don't want to spend too much money. Plus, even the books I could buy aren't really the ones I want to read. But at least I now have access to Tim's collection too, which is where I got Notes on a Scandal, and he has really interesting tastes, so hopefully the next 18 books will be at least worth reading. 

So it was touch and go for awhile, it seemed, but I once again have an internet connection. I don't, however, have wireless. When the installation guy was like, "Where's the start button?", I knew we had a problem. My computer definitely acknowledged the network, but he couldn't seem to find whatever information he was looking for in order to connect me to it, and was completely confounded by the Mac, so when I came home again, I found my computer hooked up to what looks like a wireless router, with an ethernet cord. Whatever, I don't actually carry it around the house that much anyway. And I rearranged my room so that I can have the computer on my desk, or in bed with me, without having to move the router thingy, so that'll be good enough. I even went shopping to buy a power strip, to accommodate my new appliance. It'll actually be really nice (knock on wood) to have completely consistent connection, rather than the spotty nature of the wireless, which made logging onto AIM and Yahoo Messenger impossible. 

Tim came to Naju! Actually, in order... I was hanging out in the Dunkin Donuts waiting for Tim, when my student who had mentioned he might come see me showed up. He's just as adorable as he was when I left. I walked with him around the corner to my house to give him the few little things I brought him from America, and then Tim showed up! It was a pretty excellent surprise. Then just as we all got settled into my room for quality time, host mom and the internet repairman showed up. Poor Tim got roped into translating for the guy, who like I said, seemed completely befuddled by the Start-buttonless nature of the Mac OS, while I entertained my student. Then he went back to the private academy, and Tim and I had pizza and walked to his apartment. It's actually surprisingly nice, and they furnished it completely for him! Just think-- if I'd agreed to stay in Naju for a full year, luxury like that would have been mine! He even has a DVD player and a nice big TV, so who needs DVD bang? And he's not too far from me, probably just a 20 minute walk or so. It'd be unpleasant in extreme heat or cold, but for fall it'll work just fine. And there's a bus every five minutes or so which goes from the bus terminal (a 1 minute walk from my house) to right in front of his apartment, if I'm feeling lazy or the weather is inclement. It's nice. 

After hanging out at Tim's for a bit I headed home and pretty much collapsed in bed next to my computer. I had trouble getting to sleep and only slept about 5 hours the past two nights, so I guess it finally caught up with me. I slept from maybe about 9:15  to 11:00 then woke up and started (and finished) the book after to talking to one of my students on messenger for a little while. I'm going back to sleep again after I finish this blog entry, hopefully. 

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