Monday, August 18, 2008

Lyrics and letter-writing

It's been a long time since I did this, included lyrics in a blog entry, but today's a day for it. Man, you know how sometimes songs just hit you? I used to love the song "Cannonball" by Damien Rice, listened to it all the time when I was in Ireland. But somehow, during the past year, I managed to forget about it completely. Then today I was wading through old blog entries from Ireland, and moving them to the main blog, when I stumbled upon this song lyric: There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed.

And wtf, I didn't even recognize it. It literally took me a full minute to figure out what song it was from, so of course I immediately searched it up on YouTube. I highly recommend that you go listen to it right now. I'm serious. It's beautiful.

Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Still a little hard to say what's going on
Still a little bit of your ghost, your witness
Still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
Still I can't say what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball

Still a little bit of your song in my ear
Stil a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can't see what's going on

In other news, I'm pretty pleased with my new blog layout. I think it's pretty. I also tried a black, purple, and HOT GREEN color scheme, which was really awesomely seventies, but I couldn't bear to look at it for very long, so I went with purple and blue instead. I had my date with myself today, and it was... okay. I decided not to go downtown after all, so I just hung out in the bus terminal for seven hours. Spent a few hours screwing around online in Korean McDonald's, then bought a book and a sandwich and went to a coffee shop. Drank pomegranate juice, which is so unbelievably delicious. Do we have that in America? Were you aware of this phenomenon? Interestingly, one of the most common brand name makers of pomegranate juice literally translates to: "Beautiful Women Drink Pomegranate Juice," which is a pretty genius marketing scheme, if you ask me. Sure makes me feel good about myself. And I've never been refused by a clerk in my attempt to buy it, so I must be pretty hot. Fact.

Then, I spent a solid two hours writing letters. I feel like I definitely had the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome by the end of it, but it was a nice way to spend a rainy day by the window. And, I'm counting it as part of my attempt to write more. I guess I should count any writing as a step in the right direction. I'm actually going to try to revive letter-writing as a medium. It's totally inefficient, and archaic, but it's special. As I wrote to my Dad, unlike super-fast, snappy email, letter-writing lends itself to those sort of timeless (or at least, not time-sensitive) truths. So I'm shooting to do more of it, at least for the next five months while I'm in Korea. I mean, they have millions of little stores all over the country filled with adorable and inexpensive paper products with poorly constructed English phrase on them. It's like heaven! I should at least take advantage of it! And I'm embarrassed to say that I realized today that I'm not sure where the post office is. I knew at some point, although I've never actually mailed anything from there. I've only mailed one thing from Korea, and that was in Chuncheon, during Orientation. D'oh! Come on, Brittany. Get with the program for real!

After that, I decided to walk around a bit. There's two huge department stores in the bus terminal, so I checked one out. I didn't intend to buy anything, but I wanted to know if I fit into Korean women's pants yet. The biggest size I found was a 73 (73 what, exactly?) I don't fit into it yet, sadly, but I'm getting closer. And I only tried one thing, so it might fit weird. It actually wasn't too far from closing around my waist at all, but apparently my thighs and butt were way too big. Weird, since I don't actually have a butt. And my thighs are just as shapely as some of these old ladies I've seen walking around. What's the deal? But, awesomely, I did find a tank top! It's a lot like the black one I bought at Kohl's and have worn pretty much every day since I got here. I loved the Kohl's one so much that I went back a week later and tried to buy another one, but they were gone, and I even stalked the website (and eBay!), but to no avail. So yay for finding a new one. And best of all, it was only $9. I am awesome.

After that I took the bus home, and promptly fell asleep. The heat does that to me. Well, such is life in summer.

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