Monday, August 18, 2008

Koreans call "window shopping" "eye shopping".

I've made about a million entries in the past two days, which is impressive, considering I haven't had internet at home. I'm hoping that will get fixed today, though we'll see. 

Today's the day of the Yonsei Day event for the new ETAs, when they meet their co-teachers and principals for the first time and then go to their homestays. I decided to save some money by skipping it, but I didn't want to spend the whole day at my house sleeping and reading, so instead I took myself on a date. I got up and walked four miles, then showered and put on my favorite dress and hopped a bus to Gwangju. This morning I've just availed of the free wireless internet, but soon I'm going to get some lunch and then shop for a book. I might head to the downtown area, if the weather stays clear, and just do a little walking around and window shopping, or see a movie. That's the plan, anyway. If my internet gets fixed at home, I'll write more later. 

Have a nice day!

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