Sunday, August 17, 2008

I don't want to wait forever...

Had a really nice run this morning, unexpectedly. Didn't go to bed until around 12:30 last night. I wasn't very tired, thanks to my nap, but I did eventually fall asleep. Woke up once, at 3:30, then not again until my alarm went off at 6:00. I'd set it in hopes that I'd get up early and go running, and surprisingly, I did. It's so hot during the summer that I can really only go early in the morning or late at night, and I'd prefer, if I don't have much to do during the day, to get it out of the way. That way I don't have to deal with mosquitoes either.

So I was out of my house by 6:25, did a quick 5 minute warm-up walk, then started jogging. The longest I ran while I was home was 21 minutes, and that was only once, on the treadmill, in the air conditioning. So I wasn't really expecting great things. I wanted to run 30 minutes, but even at the start I told myself that even 15 minutes would be okay. Then I got to 15 and I figured, hey, push on through, one more song. So I got to 20, saw a downhill stretch, and got an unexpected burst of energy, so I finished out the 30. The last three minutes or so were really freaking hard, but I even pushed myself to run a little faster for the last 30 seconds. It wasn't exactly enjoyable, but it wasn't terrible either, and I felt pretty freaking awesome about myself as I was walking home. I walked for 35 minutes after that, and got inside just as it started to get hot.

I've decided to turn the freezing cold showers into a game, so this morning I set my stopwatch and managed to shampoo and condition my hair, and wash myself, in 4 minutes and 40 seconds. It certainly wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't too bad. Then I was rewarded with curry for breakfast, which might not sound appetizing to you, but is far better than lukewarm fish, I promise. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself the rest of today, however, which is problematic. School doesn't start for another week. I have plans to meet my co-teacher on Wednesday, and after that, I'll be able to start working on some lesson plans. Plus, Tim will be here, which will help me fill the days. But today and tomorrow there's not much I need to do at all. I could have gone to Seoul, and the Fulbright event on Monday, but it would have been awfully expensive, and what I really want to do is relax. So I guess I'll just do that. Read books, take naps, work on some little stuff. It'd be easier to do that if I had internet at home, but whatever. Tomorrow I'll try not to wake up so early. I can go to the gym, and maybe head to Gwangju and see a movie.

I've been good, though. I've put on cute clothes and left the house the past two days, despite the heat. Yesterday I went out and picked up a few things I needed. It's currently 11am, and I'm sitting in the internet cafe with a mini-skirt on. It's nice to look cute, not that any of these ten year olds appreciate it. I'll go home for lunch soon, then head to the electronics store to pick up some new headphones. I need to take stock of what I need to do for the TFA application, and re-apply to UCF, so I could get to work on that, I guess.

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