Saturday, August 16, 2008

these automatic flowers won't do.

First, a few things for myself:
1. NaBloWriMo - One of my goals for the remaining 5 months is to blog more frequently, but I'm going to try to ease myself into it for now. Everyday is the ideal, but we'll see how that goes. I do, however, plan on blogging every single day in October as part of NaBloWriMo, National Blog Writing Month. This should help get me ready for writing every day as part of...

2. NaNoWriMo - That's it. This is my year. I'm doing it. (I said that last year, I'm sure.) NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month, and happens every year in November. The idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in November. It (obviously) emphasizes quantity over quality, but that's not such a bad idea really, considering finishing a novel is the hardest part of it. I'm going to be workmanlike about it this year. No messing around. Writing everyday, at the same time, at Dunkin Donuts. At least 1,700 words a day until it's done. I've known about this thing for almost 5 years, and every year I want to do it, but for me at least, starting is the hardest part. I get so intimidated that I never do. But this year is going to be different. I have an idea almost outlined in my head. I have more free time than I probably every will again. And I'm determined. I'm even excited. I wish it was November RIGHT NOW.

I went walking tonight, and it was kind of nice. I've decided I'm going to cut running down to twice a week. I think if I only make myself do it that often, I'll enjoy each run more. The goal was to become the kind of person who enjoys running. I could probably burn more calories on the elliptical machine, and certainly at less cost to my knees, so I want to run because I enjoy it. (Also, I don't have an elliptical machine in Korea.) But I'm going to go walking four nights a week too. And I'm used to only walking or running the same two or three routes, so the goal is to branch out. There's lots of Naju that I haven't explored yet. Who knows? There could be a taco stand hiding in one of those unexplored neighborhoods. (So unlikely.) It was surprisingly breezy and pleasant when I went out tonight at 8pm, but I quickly discovered that was because it was going to rain. At first it was just a fine mist of rain, which was annoying, but then it actually started to really come down. I was still maybe 15 minutes from home at that point, so I just kept cruising. When you're already drenched, a little more doesn't matter. It's too bad it was raining... I wanted to keep going. I slept fine for about 7 hours last night, which was good. I was going to try not to take a nap today to make sure I got over jet lag by tomorrow morning, but I couldn't make it. I was bored, and it was so hot, so I slept for maybe 3 or four hours. Thus, I was hoping to wear myself out completely, but I feel a little tired now, so I think it'll be all right. I've still got to take a freezing cold shower tonight (no hot water, welcome back to Korea) and shave my legs. And I've got a few books to read.

Last night was my first night back in the Naj, and it was a weird feeling. I came home around 10pm. My host mom and sister were awake, so I immediately tore through my suitcases to get out the presents (at their request). My mom was pretty excited about the beer and vodka, and hopefully she likes the shirts too. Stacey was pretty excited about the makeup and watch (way to go, Mom). They seemed geniunely happy to see me, which was nice. I was genuinely happy to see them too, although I felt pretty out of sorts from all the travelling. We sat and visited for awhile, then they kindly left me alone so I could sleep. Actually, I stayed up until 1, and unpacked most of my stuff. I took a freezing cold shower, which actually feels okay when you're drenched in sweat, but still isn't very pleasant. Then I climbed into bed. My fan had disappeared while I was gone, but I actually wasn't that uncomfortable. Still, I didn't fall asleep very fast. I slept a lot on the plane, so I wasn't surprised, but I'd taken a benadryl, so I knew eventually I'd get there. The whole night reminded me so much of the first night I came to Naju last year. I sort of laid there and tried to remember how I felt then. I was a lot more scared and uncomfortable, obviously, because I didn't know my host family at all. But for whatever reason, the sensation was really similar. It was super-hot, I was completely awake and staring at the ceiling, and my mind was just working overtime. Just strange.

I was going to write more, but it's been an hour since I came upstairs to use the computer, so I guess I'll wrap it up. Have a nice day. :)

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