Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16/30: Trying to play cool, acting like what you do don't faze me.

Okay, so I've only got 15 minutes to blog, but I'll try to make it a good one. Today was another amazingly productive day, despite taking a two hour nap in the middle of it. I only have a short time to blog because I just spent an hour and 45 minutes on my freaking lesson plan for tomorrow, so let's hope it's a good one. In fairness, the same lesson might have only taken me an hour or so on my computer at school with steady internet. Whatever--it's my own fault for screwing around and wasting time on Friday at school rather than lesson planning. I'm a little behind still, but not too bad, and if I bust my rear tomorrow, I should be able to get caught up no problem. 

Woke up surprisingly early today--I think I only got about 6 hours of sleep again. I'm thinking maybe I can stay up a little later tonight, because I don't have to get up at 5:30 to go to the gym, and I did have that long nap in the middle of the day. But when I start to get tired, I'm going to turn in. I've got some sleep to catch up on, and tomorrow will be a busy day, so I want to be ready. So before 3pm today I: 

1. finished the last fifty pages of book #42
2. wrote some letters
3. called both of my parents
4. cleaned my bathroom, including unclogging the drain
5. vacuumed my bedroom floor
6. washed my sheets and re-made my bed
7. folded two loads of laundry
8. went shopping for healthy snacks
9. did 45 minutes of weight training
10. did 45 minutes of intervals on the treadmill

Nice, right? Then I laid down on the floor, flat on my back, in my still-sweaty clothes, and fell asleep for 30 minutes. Woke up, had a shower, shaved my legs, and climbed back into bed for two hours. I'd set the alarm for one hour, and kept trying to drag myself out of the bed, but it just didn't happen. I woke up at 6 and managed to finish off a few more things, but I was definitely dragging my feet about starting to lesson plan. Host Mom actually came home to make dinner, which she hasn't done for the past 2 weeks or so (thanks to the fruit store being super-busy for Chuseok, I think), so that was a pleasant surprise. So it was pretty delicious, and she also brought me a big bag of apples, so I'm really set for snacks this week. Mad props to her. Around 7:30 I finally dragged myself to Dunkin Donuts to start working, and after doing a few little things, started this lesson at 8:15. It's now 10:00. Grrr.

I also need to start drafting my TFA essay, especially since I finished the lesson plan and realized that I don't have to get up too early. 

So yeah, I'm going to get cracking on that. Here's the essay prompt, in case you're curious. 
Describe a time when you encountered serious obstacles to success while working on a project. You may choose any academic, professional, or extracurricular project you have worked on during the past four years.

Oh, side note: I finally started using Twitter. Shout-out to the Costons, who have been trying to get me to use it for almost a year probably, but as always, I was resistant to a new website or social networking tool that might sap even more of my time. But now that I've given it a chance, I realize that it's so much better than Facebook (or MySpace, though that goes without saying). You communicate simply, in 140 character messages. This is just what I needed--it plays directly into my efforts to simplify my life! Check it out. 


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