Thursday, September 18, 2008

18/30: 60% and queasy

Well, here I am at Dunkin Donuts, which is an accomplishment. Today was another really draining day, although I know perfectly well why, at least. I woke up about 5:45 to go to the gym, and it was hard. I wasn't that tired, as I was asleep by 10:30, but I just didn't want to get up at all, and I definitely didn't want to jog on the treadmill. I'm even less enthusiastic at the prospect of getting up early tomorrow to lift weights. I get so bored lifting is the problem, I guess. Especially Fridays, because those are lunge days, and lunges literally make me want to keel over and die. Not that they're that hard, although they are... I just hate them. So much. I just feel off balance and they seem to take forever (twice as long as squats, anyway), so I dread Fridays a lot. But enough complaining about that. 

I went to school and slogged through lesson plans most of the day, though pretty much without excitement. Today's lesson went smoothly, was student-centered, and involved a lot of speaking on their parts, but it was also pretty boring for me and the students. And tomorrow will be equally boring, which I'm sure they won't appreciate, but whatever. I have to teach 5 classes tomorrow, as opposed to the 2 I teach on Thursdays, which is a weird ratio. Plus, I need to plan the entire lesson for Beauty High School, so I'll be busy. Hopefully they'll appreciate studying a pop song and not give me a hard time. That would be ideal. 

Today after I finished my lesson planning I went for a walk around the village again, which ended up lasting an hour and half. I was in jeans and only about 1/2 inch wide platform heels, so it wasn't too bad. My feet were a little sore on the bus, but it was nice. The sun wasn't too hot, and there was an ever-so-slight breeze that made things even better than bearable. It helped me clear my mind, a bit, I think, but it'll be much nicer to do when fall really comes. 

I can only go on Thursdays, because I finish a little early, and while walking today I started to think about how relatively few Thursdays I actually have left in Korea. I seem to alternate, lately, between lamenting how short my remaining time is and wanted to go home right now. It's a strange sensation, but I sense that as my time gets shorter the sadness about leaving will increase. I came home and was just exhausted, unsurprisingly, but I didn't nap because I was enjoying the book I was reading. I had dinner, then read some more, and finally dragged myself out of bed to come over to Dunkin Donuts. I've been keeping my email box completely empty for the past three weeks or so, archiving or deleting immediately and responding to everything in a timely manner, but I started to slip in the past day or two and now have about 7 things awaiting my attention. Two of them, however, are Facebook messages, and I can't seem to log on because of shady Dunkin Donuts internet, so that'll have to wait. 

I wonder if I could sleep if I got into bed. I feel sort of tired, but also sort of keyed up, and I don't want to just lay there trying to sleep. It'd be nice if I was productive, and worked on my TFA essay or lesson plan for Saturday, but I don't see that happening. The only thing I don't need to do is eat more sweet snacks, so I guess I'll head home and brush my teeth and get in bed. Hope you're well. 

1 comment:

Randy said...

Great job sticking with the exercise Brit...even thou it's boring and not fun're doing great!!!!