Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Motivation Tuesday

I really enjoy it when people have themed days on their blogs, like Wordless Wednesday, so I'm considering trying to come up with some of my own. This, however, is motivational Tuesday, which is not even remotely alliterative. :) 

Here's my motivational quote for all you HFH participants, and especially my TEAM, and a question to consider. 

"Practice hope. As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit." 
Norman Vincent Peale

This isn't so obviously about weight loss and maintaining your motivation as some other quotes, but it made me smile this morning. At least in my experience, it's hard to stay on plan and be successful when my heart and mind aren't in a good place. And changing my lifestyle has been fraught with opportunities for failure and pitfalls. To get on the scale every morning one must be a glutton for punishment, because you open yourself up for disappointment and discouragement every single time. The inner workings of the body are inscrutable--sometimes I'm perfect for a week and still gain half a pound, sometimes I'm off-plan for a few days and still lose a couple. Thus, maintaining a positive attitude through the minefield, and keeping my goals and reasons solidly in mind, is the best way to keep up my enthusiasm and motivation. 

And I'm guilty of this particularly--I forget how much of my thoughts are controllable. The negative inner monologue has been going for so long that I sometimes forget that I can actually rewrite it. That becoming happy and hopeful is simply a matter of doing what he says: practicing hope. Just like I train my body to run longer or faster or my muscles to lift more, I can actually train my mind to think positively. When I can't control anything else, I can at least control my thoughts and my own reactions to things. It's not easy, but for me, it's the way to daily joy. 

So, my question: What can we do to practice hopefulness about our successful weight loss? I'm going to put some inspirational quotes, some motivational pictures of clothes I'd like to wear, and a note card with the number of pounds I've already lost, up on the wall in front of my scale, so that every morning when I face that number, I'm also reminded of how far I've come. The knowledge that I have already been successful, that I know what it takes and have done it before, will give me hope. So here it is... my moment of zen. :)

Good luck! Have a great week! :)


Anonymous said...

I love it! What a great idea! I need to remember more often that I'm in control of my thoughts and happiness as well. I mean, on my main blog, it says in my header:

Most people are about as HAPPY as they make their minds up to be!

Isn't it true? I need to read my own header more often!

I also have this quote on that blog.

Don't complain, just try harder!

Loved this post!

Anonymous said...

I totally rip pictures out of catalogs of clothes that I want to wear when I'm at my goal weight. If it makes you happy... go for it :)

Anonymous said...

I love my vision board (ala the Law of Attraction).

it gives me both hope and FOCUS.

Anonymous said...

Id not heard that quote before.
for me the HOPEFULNESS comes more in the form of visualization on my VISION BOARD.

pictures words photos everything.

loved the post.