Tuesday, January 27, 2009

tuesday ten, finished on wednesday

Yay Tuesday morning. And now, a random list of Tuesday ten, because I'm not in the mood to craft any sort of narrative. I should really do all my blogs like this.

1. I need to leave in about ten minutes to take my mom's cat to the vet. It vomits a lot, apparently, off and on, but it's been particularly bad these last few days. It threw up six times since we went to bed last night. My mom's at her wit's end, because it's ruining the carpet, and she's the one who always has to clean it up. And her money situation isn't so good, so the last thing she wants to do is spend money on bloodwork and vet visits for the cat. She's not heartless, and we know the cat is the sweetest cat in the world, but... it's a cat.

2. Okay, came back from the vet. Doc says we should change the food, as multi-color dry food means dyes which cats often develop sensitivity to, and which often makes them sick. The vet also said the cat might just be over-eating and making himself sick. So I dropped $45 for the visit and am hoping that changing the food and doling it out in smaller portions will help. I called my Mom, and she seems in a better mood about it. She's even talking about putting in wood floors. The cat hasn't vomited since the vet, so maybe a crisis has passed.

3. Man, blogging over the day is fun. So cat update: operation wet food was a failure. The cat ate it and kept it down for about two hours, then horked it all up while I was making my lunch. It was a crappy interlude to sandwich-making, but I cleaned it all up, and now El is out on the porch for the day. He's crying right now, but at least he isn't throwing up. I guess now I can just hope that it's some sort of stomach bug that'll pass.

4. I had an awesome run today. I've been building back up to 30 continuous minutes since I got home, and progress is actually going really well, despite the super hot weather of the last week. I did a full 25 minutes straight today, which I'm really proud of. It was really pleasant, too, because I walked three minutes to the little league field down the street and jogged around the fields. I sense it was easier on my knees, which is good. The run wasn't exactly pleasant, and I didn't achieve anything like a runner's high, but I finished it, which is what matters. I think I could've finished a full thirty, but I feel good about building up slowly. Next month I'm going to start building up long runs on the weekends and do a little speed/interval work. I haven't had a very hard time getting myself out there every day, so hopefully that'll continue. That women's running book Suzanne gave me was really inspirational, apparently.

5. Today felt pretty productive. I woke up early again, watched Saw 4 with Buddy, then took the cat to the vet. I went running, showered, and made a delicious sandwich for lunch. Then, rather than take a nap as I wanted to, I cleaned my room and the living room.

6. Okay, it's now Wednesday, but whatever. I saw Frost/Nixon last night and really liked it. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. For one, Michael Sheen, who played David Frost, is cute and Welsh. I saw on IMDB that he actually played the evil priest in Kingdom of Heaven, which I certainly should have realized, but we can't all be perfect, I guess. It makes me want to go back and read a biography of Nixon. The movie actually turned him into a really sympathetic character, and a really curious one, so maybe I'll pick up one up at the library tomorrow before we go to Melissa's.

7. I read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami this week, and I absolutely loved it. I like him generally, and really liked his first two books that I read (South of the Border, West of the Sun and Norwegian Wood), but I didn't like Dance Dance Dance nearly as much, which was disappointing. I was actually disinclined to pick up The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle when I saw it in the library, especially because it's so long (610 pages), but I'm glad I did, because it was amazing. Even he weird surreal moments didn't bother me the way they did in Dance Dance Dance, and the characters were really compelling and interesting to me. It's possible that's because I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately, and they're a married couple whose relationship falls apart.  Whatever it was, I loved it. So I guess I'll read Kafka on the Shore, which I definitely wasn't going to read. I also just noticed that he has a memoir about long-distance running called What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, which I think would be really interesting, but I wonder if I could find it. 

8. I've always been that way... I've always fallen in love with authors, and then proceeded to read almost everything I can get my hands on by them. I guess I'm sort of obsessive in that way. This was true of John Irving, and I did end up disappointed with the last two books. Wait, I don't think I read whatever came after The Fourth Hand... it just sounded so uninteresting. Irving especially has a lot of motifs that eventually became tiresome to me. Who else? I read both of Jonathan Safran Foer's books right in a row. I love Toni Morrison. Richard Russo, although I think I may have only read two of his. All the books I got from the library this time were by authors I'd read before. I just like to read books that I can assume will be good... I hate to waste money or time on novels that turn out to be bad, unless they're actively advocated for by someone (like Oprah). This does, however, limit me, I know. Maybe now that I've vowed to just use the library rather than buying books I'll expand my horizons and give new authors a try. I really love reading. How could I have forgotten. 

8. I really miss Ireland. I'm not sure what it is that made me think this, and it may not be entirely sincere. I get this nostalgic feeling pretty often, but it usually passes quickly, which is what makes me think it's not a serious longing. Maybe what I miss is my former dreams, which were more ambitious, and which I was more sure about. When I was applying for the Mitchell and the Marshall, and I could imagine that I might possibly live in Ireland for two years while studying (rather than dealing with homeless alcoholics)... it was just nice to have that to imagine. I need a vacation in Ireland soon. Could I be satisfied with just vacationing there every few years for the rest of my life? God, I miss it right now. 

9. I'm off to get highlights in my hair this morning. I sort of hate myself for doing it, the materialism of it, but I'm doing it nonetheless. It's supposed to be less than a hundred dollars, which is why I'm doing it. And it's not as if I'm one of those women who gets their hair touched up every month... this will be the first time in six months. But still... aren't I going to feel compelled to maintain it once I come back to America? I don't want to spend money like that on my hair. Oh well... it'll be nice to be pampered for a few hours this morning, even though I don't really have the money for it right now either, after buying all these clothes. 

10. Well, the cat just threw up again. It seems that he literally can't keep anything down, which is obviously a bad sign. I don't know what to do for him though.

1 comment:

The Smith Boys said...

I have a frosting cap - Ed will do your highlights if you want. He did mine on election day.