Monday, February 2, 2009

random things, x-posted to Facebook

I was tagged by two of my friends, on Facebook, for this meme, so here goes. 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about me:

1. I'm currently watching my brother-in-law Edward play the video game Call of Duty 4. I've always been disappointed in myself, both because I have no special dexterity for video games, and because I don't really like them. As a teenager I played Mario Brothers on Nintendo when I went to my cousins' house, and Sonic the Hedgehog on my Sega Game Gear, but aside from that... nothing. I never had a big game console or really got into any game after those. I don't like shoot-em-up games at all, and it seems that those dominate the market. I played Goldeneye a few times at a friend's house, and didn't hate it, but I could never be the sort of person who would get hooked on a game and really really want to win. I never developed a feeling like that about a computer game either, interestingly. It's just my personality, I guess, but I do wish I could at least enjoy one or two. Then again, given my propensity for obsession, it's probably just as well. 

2. I can speak some Korean, which I'm inordinately proud of. I probably won't improve at all in the next six months, because I don't actually plan on studying in any systematic way. And I'll no doubt forget everything I know faster than I'd like, but still. 

3. I've almost completely quit drinking regular soda, which I think is pretty awesome. I drink way too much diet soda, but nowadays I have a regular soda maybe once a month, and even then I don't need it or particularly want it. I usually just do it because we've ordered a pitcher with pizza or I just feel like it for a change. 

4. One of my goals was to submit a short story to three literary magazines while I was home. I knew I'd be rejected, but I just need to do it to have done it so that it'll no longer be something that just looms over me. I haven't done it yet, and I have a lot to do in the small amount of time before I go back, but I'm determined. 

5. I'm obsessed with Netflix. Or rather, I'm obsessed with the idea of Netflix. I've never had it. I've had some experience with it, through friends, and I just think it's the best thing ever. I can admit when I'm wrong, and I was super-resistant to the idea of Blockbuster Online, which is similar, at first. I thought one of the best parts about renting movies was going to the store and wandering the aisles. And I still would enjoy that, but it's totally outweighed by the access to a much greater selection of movies and the convenience of mail delivery, for when I don't feel like wandering. So probably the first thing I will do when I get back to America for good is to sign up. Actually, in all honesty, I'll probably sign up a week before so my first movies are waiting for me. That's my obsession. 

6. I've never wanted to be anything other than a teacher. I've recently realized that I might do something else. I'll almost certainly have to do something else for at least 8 or so months when I get back from Korea, but this is a fact that's really hard for me to come to terms with. I've just never even imagined myself doing something else. 

7. I want to run a half-marathon. Not a whole marathon, just a half. Once. After that I just want to race 5k and 10k races. 

8. I like road trips, a lot. I've taken four substantial ones in my life, and one of my dreams is to drive, alone, to Maine, then to Washington State, and California, and then back to Florida. 

9. I hope to read 50 books this year. I've been taking advantage of my free time during January, and have finished about 8 already, which puts me four books ahead of pace. 

10. I'd like to start reading more non-fiction, especially memoirs and biographies. But I can't read boring non-fiction. I can read crappy novels, although I don't usually, but I don't give non-fiction books very long to get good. 

11. I want to have an old-fashioned claw-foot tub in my house. 

12. One of my favorite novelists, who is Japanese, wrote a memoir about long-distance running, which I'd like to read, but I don't know if it's widely translated. 

13. I don't like beer. Given the choice, I would just sip cider or wine coolers. I don't like red wine, or most white wines, although I'd like to be the sort of person who does. 

14. On the same note, I wish that I liked jazz more than other kinds of music, and sometimes I pretend to, but I don't. Like they say on

15. Actually, I'd say that 50% (conservatively) to 75% (possibly) of the things on that blog are true of me.

16. I don't like coffee, which dismays some people. 

17. I don't like dogs. I'm a cat person. 

18. If I could be blind or deaf, I would want to be deaf, I think. The idea of being blind, and living in darkness for the rest of my life, just seems so much scarier to me than living in utter silence. I would hate to be deaf though, too. Don't get me wrong. 

19. I cry, a lot. About the strangest things. I cry at a lot of movies. I cry at commercials. I cried watching five year olds play soccer. I don't know what it is, but I just get really emotional about things. 

20. I love Law and Order. It and The Office are the only two shows I really really love. 

21. I want to be a writer, but I'm scared of writing. 

22. I listen to Korean music when I work out. 

23. I have an Asian fetish. It's awkward. When I first went to Korea, I pretty much assumed that all Asian guys looked like Bruce Lee, so I would never be attracted to them, but how wrong I was. Now I think that lots of Asian guys are attractive, even guys that objectively are not that attractive are made more attractive by virtue of having slanty eyes. Just kidding. 

24. I love hip-hop and rap music more than is really reasonable. I like it a lot. 

25. I lost at Scrabble today for only the second time in my life, and it hurt. 

1 comment:

Randy said...

I remember your sonic game…..yes, you were never into video games, I wonder if that’s ‘cause we never bought a game console.?????

Related to language…I just read a quote in the Scott Adams book……I don’t have it in front of me so this is an approximation…..”they say kids can learn a foreign language more easily than an adult…..I’ve got news for you…if I slept 12 hours a day, didn’t have to worry about the alternative minimum tax, being nuked by North Korea etc….I could learn Chinese over the weekend”….I’ll look up the exact quote later and send it to you.

Keep writing…

It’s ok not to like beer.

It’s ok to like cats…..though personally I’m looking forward to being petless someday.

I would choose being neither blind nor deaf.

Let me guess, lost to Edward?

Love you….
