Monday, February 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution Check-in

1. Lose 20 pounds. (157)
Hmm... the weight loss was going really well for those last two weeks. I saw the lowest number I've ever seen on the scale, 172, and exercising everyday was relatively painless. Then I started snacking, just a little, and the scale started creeping up, inexplicably. Then I had a whole day of insanity before we went to Maryland, and a no-holds-barred meal at Chili's with Carrie. That's not entirely true... I shared a bad appetizer and a bad dessert, but for some reason stuck to a grilled chicken sandwich for my entree, as if that mattered? Plus my period is coming up, so I'm really not looking forward to getting on the scale when I get back to Fort Myers. But I've lost at least 4 of the 20 pounds already, so I'm on pace.

2. Exercise at least 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week.
This is actually going surprisingly well. I may have finally found a system that worked with an Excel spreadsheet to help me track on the computer. I'm back to running regularly and feeling really good about it, including a freaking amazing 35 minute run today, including a big hill. I've done three weeks of the 100Pushups and 200Situps programs, and I can definitely tell a difference. It'll be a little harder when I go back to Korea and don't have great weather or an elliptical machine, but I still have the treadmill. I am a little curious about where I'll be living and what access I have to a gym, but we'll see.

3. Run 11k in the Naju Marathon.
I should be in pretty good shape for this one. Training is on track.

4. Blog at least once a week.
So far, so good. I've even done a good job of updating my 2009 book and movie lists in a timely manner.

5. Read 50 books.
Way ahead of pace, and reading some really good stuff.

6. Write regularly.
This is the only resolution I'm really failing at. I'll need to see what kind of schedule I can set up once I get back to Korea.

7. Save $800-$1,000 per month.
Well, the money situation is not as bad as it's often been. It might even be pretty okay, although I can't say for sure because I'm not sure how much cash I left in Fort Myers.

Okay, I'm pretty happy with this February check-in. Some people don't even make it to February with their resolutions... I know I usually don't. So this is progress.

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