Sunday, February 8, 2009

my girl wants to...

party all the time!

Oh man. So anyway, I think I only ever saw that video once, and I couldn't figure out if it was meant to be serious or not. Since it's 80s, I guess it is. And it must have made a deep impression on me, because when it was part of trivia at the Ale House the other day, it all came rushing back to me, and my heart fluttered. Now I've been listening to it for days. It's a life-changer. 

So despite skipping a day of running this week and needing to make it up today, "training" has been going really well. I did my long (35 minute) run yesterday, and it was really nice. I ran twice this week without my iPod, because I left it in Maryland, and although I really dreaded them both, they were actually good runs. I focused a lot on making myself think about something else besides my physical discomfort, and I think I'm getting better at accomplishing that for longer periods of time. For today's run I'm going to try a couple of podcasts, so we'll see if that works better for me or not. 

I had a really nice visit in Orlando with Kate, including a night of trivia, a really disappointing Kate Winslet double-feature, and not one but two Irish pubs. I'm starting to get a little emo about the fact that my plane to Korea takes off in about 48 hours, but I'm going to do my best to ignore that fact and just try to enjoy this time. I spent three hours last night baking chocolate chip cookies for my homestay family and Manuel's family that they will hopefully appreciate. I also spent forty minutes this morning individually saran wrapping 80 cookies because my Mom thinks that would be best. Saran wrap has always been my arch nemesis, but I have to say, after about twenty cookies, I was a plastic wrap expert. 

I only ate two cookies this morning with my cereal, so I guess that's not too bad. My weight's been really crazy and up and down lately, with several good reasons. I can't ignore the fact that I ate really poorly for about a week and a half, and although I was fairly good about exercising during that whole time, I certainly expected a gain. But yesterday I varied 3.5 pounds in 4 hours, so I'm just going to focus on moving forward. It looks like I'll leave America weighing just about when I did when I came, which is okay. Slightly disappointing, because I got down to 172 at one point, and now am probably back up closer to 177 or so, but okay in the long run because I ate everything I wanted to, and am looking forward to returning to more spartan, weight-reducing Korean diet. The good news is that I bought size 8 pants and medium shirts when I got here, and I still fit in them. The even better news is that it seems like it's possible for me to get into a size 6, which I never foresaw, so now I have a goal and an even smaller waist to look forward to when I come back home next time. I'm also looking forward to moving into my own apartment and organizing my own meals, although I know that will take some getting used to. 

Man, I just checked the weather. It's been really really nice in Naju for the past two weeks (highs in the 50s and even 60s now), which makes me wonder if the really nasty part of winter could possibly be over already. I don't remember it happening that way last year, so I guess there could be a relapse of snow and super-cold, but it would sure be nice if there wasn't, huh? The high is 62 and sunny the day I get back, and although it's supposed to rain for the next few days, I don't even care. It seems like the pleasant seasons, spring and fall, are particularly short in Naju, so sadly I'll probably complaining about the unbearable summer heat before you know it. 

All right, I guess I should get back to packing. Most likely my next blog entry will come from KOREA.

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