Monday, February 9, 2009

weight loss ruminations

1. What unwanted behaviors do you have?
- Although I’ve started eating in a much healthier way, I still don’t feel like I have a completely normal relationship with food.
- I snack when I’m not hungry, in order to comfort myself, or just to alleviate boredom.
- I have what I guess is called “mouth hunger,” where I eat a sweet or snack just because I want a taste of it.
- Eating was one of my few social activities when I was really overweight, and I used to eat more than one meal (like more than one dinner) in order to meet several friends. This is mostly conquered, but I caught myself doing it while home on vacation, so…

2. What symptoms do you have?

- I’m still between 20 and 30 pounds overweight.
- I’m still slightly ashamed of my body, although it certainly doesn’t depress me as it used to.

3. What are the long-term consequences of those behaviors and symptoms (if I don't change)?
If I had answered this question two years ago, before losing the first 60 pounds, the answers would have been a lot more dire. I also feel like I’m sort of entering that strange zone of people who are overweight but relatively physically fit. I mean, I can run 3 miles without stopping, which is something even some skinny people can’t do. So in a cardiovascular way, I’m probably pretty healthy. But I know that carrying around even a few extra pounds can have detrimental effects in the long run. Plus, I don’t want to always struggle with those unhealthy eating behaviors. I know, to a certain extent, I’m probably always going to struggle with my weight, but I think I can do a better job of internalizing healthy behaviors so it’s not SUCH a struggle. The consequences of not changing those are that something big might derail me, and if I haven’t really learned to control myself, I might regain some of the weight I’ve lost (though certainly never all of it).

4. What other people are affected by my problem? How are they affected?
- My mom is probably the person most affected by it. She’s really proud of me for the weight I’ve lost so far, and I know she really wants to do the same. She already lost 20 pounds, which is great, but when I was home this time I didn’t eat very well, and I think it probably was a stumbling block to her. She needs a partner, and a good role model, for a healthy lifestyle, not just for weight loss, especially because she can’t work out with the same intensity that I do.
- It used to be that everyone was affected, because I was so depressed by my body image that I alternated between shy/anti-social and unpleasant.


Nicolene said...

I like these questions, they seem good for introspection. Where did you find them?

I'm kind of there with you. Being busy with school and work and being on birth control really messed with my body. I'm trying to put good habits back in, but am having trouble finding an exercise program that fits my schedule and I can stick with.

Advice: Don't stress about trying to reach the BMI ideal weight. It is not a perfect system. I would focus more on your body fat percentage. The low end of the 'normal' BMI scale is probably actually unhealthy for me.

Have a safe trip!

The Smith Boys said...

I am 25 pounds lighter now than I was in high school. I think that knowing I gained that weight almost without realizing it at the time is my motivation for watching what I eat. I snack - and sometimes snack too much but if I snack a bunch during the day, I will try to have a salad for lunch and make sure that I exercise that day or the next. When I find myself gaining a little weight, I go back to whole grain cereal for bkfast, salad for lunch and only fruit for snacks (this gets things running smoothly if you know what I mean).

Always knowing in the back of my mind that it is possible for me to be "fat" keeps me from letting myself get "fat" again. This is my biggest motivation to stay my current weight and control what I eat. Also, I now HATE that feeling I get when I overeat at a meal. UGH - how miserable.

You look fantastic! I am soooo proud of you Brittany! I know that you will find ways to balance it all out - eat what you want but not too much - you know how I know that? Because you are fully awesome! Love you!