Wednesday, October 24, 2007

If you don't send this to 5 waegukin, your homestay will explode.

So remember my last blog entry, and my favorite "good-hearted" student JK? He's been promising to send me an email for ages, but never did. So today I asked again why he never sent one, and he said "English... difficult." I said, "Korean... okay." He said: "You can read?" I said... "Sure." So I was thrilled to return from the gym and find this, which I will reproduce for you in its entirety. It reminds me of those chain letters.


I'm sorry Miss camp.

My.. English ability.. insufficiency..

Dictionary(을)를 reference 해서.. Write 해도.. very very very insufficiency 해요.

nevertheless.. read.. my E-mail..


Good Bye........


Q : Am I good student? or bad student?

A : (Reply! Reply!)

I will be a good student..

Have a nice Day..

P.S. - My Friend 에게는~ My E-Mail을 Secret Please~


I can't decide if my favorite part is "My English ability insufficiency" or "Don't tell my friends I emailed you." At least, I'm assuming that's what "My friend-to My email Secret" means. Or is my favorite part "No!No!No!No!"? I don't feel bad about showing it to all of you, despite his concern for saving face amongst his cool friends.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Hmmm... I forwarded your post to 5 waegukin and my homestay still exploded. So much for Korean chain letters. Sounds like the kid has a crush on you. Matter of fact, I suspect your whole class is in love :)
Take care and have a wonderful week. -PW