Tuesday, April 8, 2008

HYC #4: 20 minutes!

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's already Tuesday again. And I can't believe this is already my fourth week in the HYC... I feel like I've been here forever. It's great! 

First, a quick goal review
1. Eating three vegetables and one fruit a day is proving to be pretty easy, except during this past weekend of doom. No matter- I'm back on track and I'm determined to just keep looking forward. 
2. Reading is going wonderfully! I finished Cloudstreet and absolutely loved it. I've since started Michael Chabon's Wonder Boys, and thankfully, it's just as captivating. I've struggled a bit recently with temptation to binge at night when I'm not busy, so having this new added item to my to-do list, especially something that I enjoy doing, was a great decision. 
3. I haven't missed a blog entry yet.
In summary, I've earned 5 out of a possible 7 stickers, which has made my calendar very pretty, and I'm well on my way to number 6/8 tonight. 

Couch to 5k is going phenomenally. I talked about my surprise 15 minute run on Sunday, and I've just been on fire since then. I think I've become addicted to jogging. And I suppose, in the grand scheme of things, that's one of the better addictions I could possibly have. And it's not as if I've become an exercise-holic, forcing myself out of bed at the crack of dawn and doing 4 hours a day... I've just really enjoyed my last few runs. Monday I did the first Week 5 run, which wasn't too big a deal. It was supposed to be 3 5-minute intervals separated by 3 min. walks, but I pushed myself and did 5 5-minute intervals, and it actually felt great. The weather is warming up wonderfully (highs in at least the 60s all week!), and it's making these runs so much more fun. Today was meant to be a rest day, but I couldn't stay away, so I went to the gym this morning before school did the same 5 5-min. intervals on the treadmill. And after school I was feeling a little stressed out, and all I wanted to do was get out there and slap the pavement, so I did. 

I think the weather is one of the primary reasons for these runs being easier, but it's also definitely been better since I started listening to my music. I'll be forever indebted to Robert Ullrey for getting me through the first four weeks, when all that glancing at my iPod would have made it impossible, but with these longer intervals, it's easy to just create playlists. And today I decided to give 20 minutes a try. After Sunday's successful 15 minute run, I knew I was capable of doing the 20, but I wasn't sure I'd really feel up to it once I got started. But my worries were unfounded-- True to form, after the first song I was ready to quit, and the second song too, but then I told myself I had to at least finish #3. So I did. But then I figured I might as well finish #4 too, because that was only 16 minutes total, which is not much more than I did on Saturday. And then, hell, I only had one more song to go, so I went ahead and did the whole 20. And I could have kept going, but once again I let myself stop once I'd reached the goal I'd set for myself, and basked in the glory and the sunshine all the way home. It's a wonderful feeling to know that I know I can do that 20 minute run on Friday, and if I'm addicted to something, it's these endorphins! I finish every run feeling like a million bucks, and I love it. 

I need to do Week 5, run 2 (two 8 minute intervals) tomorrow, but then I really am going to force myself to take Thursday off. I'm in love with running, but I don't want to injure myself and get sidelined. I'm feeling confident about being able to finish the 5k (in FORTY days), and I'm loving that I'm actually enjoying my workouts. They're hard, but they feel good, and I'm so ecstatic when I finish. 

I'm not sure if I already mentioned this, but I took the advice that some wonderful commenter gave me (remind me if it was you!) and I've turned my weight training sessions into circuit training. Every two exercises, I hop on the treadmill and jog for 2 minutes, and it's great! I was starting to get frustrated with weight training, since I seldom managed to break much of a sweat and I got bored and distracted easily. I worried that adding the jogging in would make the workouts too long, but in fact they've shortened them. Before, I tended to take unnecessary lengthy rests between sets, and sort of meander around, but now I'm much more focused. I stretch between sets and move with a purpose. I feel like I'm getting a real workout. It's a great feeling. 

From the numbers standpoint, I succeeded in losing another two pounds last week, but I won't know how much damage I did in my dessert bingeing this past weekend until I get on the scale Saturday. I also have a feeling TOM is coming up, so I need to brace myself for a frozen scale despite all the hard work I'm putting in. It's proven easier than I imagined to break the scale's hold of me. Having it out of sight (and out of my room) has curbed almost all of my impulses to hop on it at random times, and I think it's good for me. I need to be focusing on habits, rather than numbers, nowadays, and this is a step in the right direction. 


The inspiration for my assignment of the week came from this Sparkpeople article, called "Seeing is Achieving." You can probably guess, from the title, what the gist of it is. It's not news to me that bombarding yourself with positive images is a great way to stay motivated. Some of the science in the article is new to me, but not particularly interesting. I've been telling myself I'm going to make a visionboard, as they call it, for ages, but now I'm finally getting around to doing it. If I were in America, I'd probably be doing it old style--cutting up magazines, printing out pictures, sticking them to posterboard--but since that's not an option, I'm going to create a virtual visionboard in a blog entry, which I can reference anytime I have internet access. I compiled a huge list of motivational quotes today and typed them up to print out, so tonight I'll cut them up and start sticking them everywhere. I'm riding an awesome motivation high right now, but with TOM coming, I want to be prepared.

Okay, that's about it. I'll link to my visionboard on the sidebar as I work on it. And if you have visuals that you use, comment and link them to me! I'm looking for ideas. :)


Anonymous said...

It's really incredible the difference between this post and your first few posts. I see so much growth in you! Good job not beating yourself about this weekend and keeping strong.

Great job with all the running, isn't it a great feeling towards the end, right after you thought you couldn't make it, when you suddenly feel weightless?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing great!! Congratulations on those 55 ponds lost, thats awesome!! You better start pickin' out that bikini!!

Anonymous said...

The running becomes an addiction. But it's one of the best ones to have. :) I'm only just out of C25K and starting to ramp up to lnger distances and there are days when I want to go back out after a few hours.

Good on ya for sticking with it, and wowza on the weight loss!

Anonymous said...

What a week! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

dont know if my comment went though..but I think it said: great job this week! you have made some really great positive changes and they will only help you continue to succeed.