Thursday, April 3, 2008

What I Wouldn't Do for a T-Shirt

... nothing. 

Hi there! I actually have quite a bit to report today, but I'm pinched for time, so I'll have to make this short and sweet. I'm happy, however, that I'm making an entry, rather than just going to bed, which is what I really want to do. I have to leave early in the morning to catch a flight, and I'm getting up even earlier so I can do my last C25k Week 4 run, but since blogging regularly is one of my April goals, I'm going to stick to it, particularly this early in the month. :) 

So I did my second week 4 run, and I think it was a little easier than the first time, but that might just have been because the weather was much more pleasant. I wasn't fighting against a strong headwind, which was nice, and the weather was a balmy 52 degrees, so I wore shorts and got down to business. I still didn't enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed previous weeks, but I think I hit something of a stride at one point, despite having to run uphill a bit, and I wasn't completely miserable the whole time. Plus, I just always feel so strong and confident after I've run... like I could do anything. It's a really great feeling. I did two extra runs on the treadmill this week, because I felt like it, and also just sort of testing out how my legs would feel, and they still feel great, which is a relief. I knew I wouldn't be exercising this weekend, so I figured I would front-load my cardio before weigh-in day. I didn't realize how much easier it actually was to run on the treadmill, particularly this morning, when I did the week 4 intervals at almost race pace on the 'mill, and felt about a hundred times better than when I do them outside. 

Speaking of races... I've decided to do the one here in Korea. It seems like fate that it takes place just one week after I finish the Couch to 5k program, and since I found out that I DO get a t-shirt (YES!), I'm going to go ahead and do it. I also found out that the 5k is almost entirely flat, whereas the accompanying 11k and 22k are up a mountain. What kind of psycho would run up a mountain? One of my fellow teachers drove me along the 5k path today, and it looks okay. Plus, I have an hour to do it, so even if I can't run the whole way, I should be able to finish in an hour. But I'm feeling positive--I CAN do it. And I'm going to get a t-shirt, and it's going to be awesome. That's that! 

Recently I've been inspired by a friend to make myself a weight loss bible. She received a few years worth of fitness magazines from a friend, and she's combing through them, putting articles with helpful stuff in a binder, along with other things she writes for herself, etc... So I've decided to do the same, mostly with articles I print out from Sparkpeople, and inspirational quotes and pictures, etc. Usually, when I'm feeling tempted to eat unhealthfully or skip a workout, it helps me to look at other weight blogs or my own progress, so I figure compiling it into a book I can carry with me anywhere, even when I don't have internet, will be good. And I'm finding some good stuff on Sparkpeople that gives me inspiration for working through some of my emotional and weird eating stuff, so it's nice. I'm going to give myself an assignment from something I find in there every week. This week's was about making a contract with yourself to help identify and combat your excuses, and it was really good. 

I'd intended to type up what I wrote, but I don't have time tonight, so I'll make a note to do it Sunday, and I'll link to the article too, so if you're interested, you can check it out. 

Lastly, I'm going to be out of town for weigh-in day, so I'm going to go ahead and do it one day early tomorrow morning (Friday). This is pretty nerve-wracking for me, for a few reasons. This is the first time I've ever succeeded in staying off the scale for a full week (well, 6 days 'cause of early weigh-in), and while I feel it was good for me in a lot of ways, it also puts a lot of pressure on tomorrow's number. When I was weighing daily, I had an idea of the direction I was heading in leading up to Saturday, but this is going to be all-at-one cold turkey. So I'm nervous. Even though I've said I'm going to try not to focus on the numbers this month, I'll admit I'm still hoping to see a nice drop (at least a pound), because I've been really good this week (lots of stickers). But if it's not there, I'll regroup and focus on the NSV. And I won't eat everything in sight this weekend, no matter what. 

Woo. Wish me luck. :) And good luck to all of you! I hope you're off to a GREAT start in April! 


Anonymous said...

The journal is a fabulous idea. I think I might do the same! You're also inspiring me to do C25K and become a runner. I so desperately want to become a runner!

My best friend in living in Korea right now too, and I'm so impressed how you're able to lose weight and start a lifestyle change in a foreign country, truly amazing!

Best of luck with everything!

Anonymous said...


I'm so super proud of you for deciding to to the C25K. I totally agree, not only are you living in an entirely different world, you're making healthy changes. You're awesome!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are doing fantastic! It is amazing how you feel when finishing a run, as if you could conquer the world. Great decision to do your run!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Congratulations on signing up for the race! I think it's great that you are going outside of your comfort zone and just going for it. Imagine how great it will feel when it's all said and done!! I also think it's really cool that you are in Korea.. my cousin taught english in Korea for 8 years and ended up marrying a Korean man. They moved back to Canada and have two adorable little girls.. but now I'm sad to say they are moving to China! Anyways, I hope your early WI goes well! Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, you runners--always with the t-shirts! (Why, no, I'm not jealous!) *G*

You are doing such a great job with this running. I'm proud for you!

Anonymous said...

You are made of win.
The fact that you are going to get a wicked cool t-shirt makes me jealous and proud of you all at the same time! LOL

I know you can do it! Be good this weekend and tell us how it went when you get back!

Anonymous said...

YAY congrats on making the decision to run. I get the whole T-shirt thing, i would do anything for one, well maybe not anything.

I love the idea of a weightloss bible, i think i will have to make one to keep me on the straight and narrow when i return to work and the land of vending machines.

Anonymous said...

Well, you are just doing AWESOMELY. :-) I'm very impressed, as someone who is struggling badly with the C25K. But not giving in!

I love your bible idea. I tend to make binders for everything. I wonder why I haven't for this? It'll be great fun making it and very educational, and will reinforce everything you've learned. Great idea!

Congrats on deciding to do the 5K. I think committing to that really helps you to stay extra-focused, not that you aren't already. You will do great! And good luck on the weigh-in this morning!


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful trip. I think the journal is a great idea.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your idea of a book/journal/bible of motivational information!

Good job on the C25K. That's an awesome program. Perfect goal....get the t-shirt! It's not always the big things that keep us moving forward - we just need to find those little motivators that work.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

The journal sounds like an awesome idea!! Have a great trip!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you signed up for a race. IF your motivation starts to flag in a few weeks... just look at that race registration form, think about that race shirt and race number, and get out there and TRAIN. I can't wait to hear how it goes!!