Wednesday, May 14, 2008

HYC #9: Halfway there!

I'm not sure what's been up with me these past few weeks. For the first month and a half, I was SOOO excited when Tuesday rolled around. Especially because it came so much sooner for me than some other people, I was always way ahead, waiting up late for Mr. Linky to appear. Even during most of terrible April. But these days I'm having a harder time sticking to blogging, for some reason. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, because I know there's a very direct relationship between my faithfulness to blogging and my weight loss success. It's not a lack of time, really, although that would be an easy excuse. Ah well... here I am doing this one, and only a day late.

This is the halfway point in my 169.9 or bust May challenge, so it's time for some serious reflecting: The past week was... okay. I've been sticking to it all much better than in April. I've been eating almost all of my meals at the cafeteria or at home, so they're very well-balanced (if not delicious). 5k training especially has been very constant, and I've mostly kept to the MEC abs routine too. Weight training has gotten a little awry, since I changed up my schedule to get ready for the 5k, but I've still done at least 2 workouts both of the past two weeks, and I can get back on a more normal schedule soon!

My biggest problem, as always, has been snacking. My sweet tooth has been wreaking havoc on me for the past week. It's time to get really honest with myself and accept that it's now-or-never time. If I can't get a handle on the snacking, there's no way I'm going to be able to get into the 160s before the 28th. I'm not beating myself up over it--I've made some really healthy exercise choices in the past two weeks, and I'm proud of that. And they weren't binges... just small amounts of several different sweets on a fairly regular basis; that's progress. Plus, I've still lost a little weight. And... there's still time to lose the rest of it, I'm confident of that. I just need to decide whether achieving a big goal is more important to me than being able to eat sweets every day. It's only 14 days, after all. But I can't be wishy-washy. If I really want to make the goal, I need to buckle down and have a couple of near-perfect weeks. It's possible--but how bad do I want it?

Bad. Last night I dreamed that I looked in the mirror and my muffin-top was suddenly gone. It could be a premonition. These next six pounds could be it. Even if not, they'll definitely be another pants size. They'll definitely be a new skirt and shorts for the field trip. They might even be a really pretty tank top. You know what that means: It's time...

I can't actually buy these things, since I'm in Korea, but perhaps I can find something that approximates them. If my boobs miraculously shrink to a B, that is. This is what I want to wear when I'm traipsing around on an island in the 70 degree weather. I must remember that.

Dear self,

You can do this. You really can. Sure, snacks taste great, but stick to the fruit for two more weeks. If you get down to 169, you'll be 15 pounds away from goal. 15 pounds! You'll weigh less than you did sophomore year of high school. And you'll be skinny and feel confident, and be able to have a good time. You'll want to take pictures, and you'll be able to look back at those pictures and not cringe at your size. That'll be the best part. Think about that, everytime.

Alright, I hope the rest of you are having a wonderful week, and accomplishing all your May goals, especially my compatriots in Swizzlepop's May Exercise Challenge!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're not beating yourself up over a few...indiscretions *g*, and that you're keeping your focus on what you're doing really, really well!

Does fruit do anything for you as far as satisfying that sweet tooth? It helps me a lot, especially watermelon and grapes.

Way to go on all you're doing that's RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

I haven't done this recently... but it has worked in the past. When I felt I wanted a treat either a big treat or a little one every day, I would make myself count Calories. That way, it became about trade offs. I could trade rice with lunch for a cabbage salad or some other lower Calorie food and then get a piece of chocolate that evening or other sort of controlled treat. If I didn't want something treat-like I wouldn't have to count Calories really, confident in the fact that all my choices were healthy.

Admittedly it only works if you stick to it but it does give a bit of flexibility and if you want a treat you can earn it in terms of Calories and then stay on track with your goal. I've been doing okay on the snack front lately but I am thinking of doing this for events I know I will want to have dessert at or something.

I like fruit for a sweet treat but I must say that for me anyway, if I want a piece of chocolate or some ice cream, I could eat a bushel of grapes and still want the treat. Not sure why but in the end I think I eat more by trying to substitute for the craving with something else sometimes.

Not sure if this sound like something that will work for you but thought I would throw it out there. I think you are making awesome progress and you have got so many good healthy habits on the go now. I'm very impressed.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'm catching up so here's a belated HUGE congratulations for running the 5K. Next, YOU CAN DO IT to get into the 160s. I'm right behind you!

Have you tried the South Beach cereal bars? 10g of protein, only 140 calories, and they come in peanut butter, chocolate and cinnamon raisin. GREAT for sweet tooth.

Anonymous said...

Just take it one day at a time and good luck to you

Anonymous said...

Briy!!! Where are you??? Come back to usssssss!!!!

Hope everything is okay with you -- write when you can! :)

Anonymous said...

how you hanging on out there Briy. Haven't heard from you in a bit so I thought I would drop in and say hi.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on running the 5K. Wow.

I also agree with with what weelittleme said about the trade offs -a good calculating strategy tip.

Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said...

So I've read this entry like ten times since you posted it, when I load the page to see if you updated.... and I just now noticed the "because it's so much sooner here". :) You're my fav.

I don't have anything of substance to say. You know how proud of you I am, sweet tooth and all. I admire your determination and willpower more than you know.


Anonymous said...

I hope all is well in your world. I miss your bloggyness.

Hope you are still planning to run the V5K. I just wanted to let you know that I put up a little questionnaire thingy for people running the Virtual 5K. It is meant to set you up to share some details about yourself and your running with the other V5K runners. If you have a chance pop by and check it out. I’ll link to your response, just let me know you did it. Find it at

Anonymous said...

oops the link should be THIS